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The Early History of the Coarse Fishing Season
A number of forum threads have appeared about the close season, So The Monk thought some members may be interested in its humble beginnings
Anglers Urged To Look Out, Look Up
The potential danger of overhead power cables to anglers cannot be overemphasised. Carbon rods and poles make excellent electricity conductors
Japanese Invasion
County Council leads ground breaking research project to control Japanese knotweed. Riverbanks and canals fall victim
ReelRods Caption Competition
Think of a witty caption to the photograph in our latest caption competition and win a Daiwa rod or reel from ReelRods.com.
The Alternative Angler
Alternative Angler Kevin Perkins wonders whether he should become the 'Alternative Whinger'. Nah, but don't get too paranoid Kev, we luv yer, honest!
The Carp Column
Big Rik is back after an extended break with a timely piece about springtime carping, one of the most productive times of the year.
Do Fish Feel Pain?
Jeff Woodhouse expands the debate on this thorny subject. Read it and then have your say on the forum.
The Keith Culley Memorial Match
Last Saturday 20 FISHINGmagic friends fished for the annual Keith Culley Memorial Trophy. Mike Fidler reports.
Quality Carping
The first in a series of regular carp articles from carp connoisseur Stuart Dennis. In this article Stuart, with a little help from The Monk, sorts out the sore question of soaking particles.
The Alternative Angler
Kevin Perkins has a clear-out and wonders where all our old tackle goes. After all, not all of it ends up on the Antiques Roadshow!