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Pilgrim’s Progress

"The Dove was again low and clear, as per my previous visit. Checking my fishing diary - my little blue book - I realised it had been three weeks since my last session." Writes Stewart Bloor.

Fox Contributor Winners For September

The winner of our terrific first prize of a Fox Evolution System Bivvy worth £ 299 for the best contribution to FISHINGmagic in September was...... somebody you know well on FM.

Bluefin Tuna off Ireland?

Bluefin Tuna off the coast of Ireland? Not very likely? Yes it is! Read Colin Brett's account of his first trip.

Line Testing – A Minor Obsession

Barry Kneller wades in with his line testing paraphernalia, describes his early tests and the progress he's made.

Make Your Own Floats – Part 2

<B>Kevan Farmer</B> with the second part of his float making workshop series. This week he describes how to make a Porcupine Quill Float.

The Carp Column

Big Rik wades in with another thought-provoking piece to help you fool those wary carp - 'Hookbait Shapes'.

Caption Competition No. 7

Think of a witty caption to the photograph in our competition and win a Fox Adjusta Hanger Presentation Set or a runner-up prize of a pair of Fox Buzz Bars!

Standing On My Own Two Feet

Stuart Dennis does a brain dump and reveals his thoughts about 'Chasing The Ace'.

Big Snakes – Eels To You!

Eels have been a lifelong passion with Paul Williams. Here's how he goes about catching the big ones.

Standing On My Own Two Feet

A new occasional series from Stuart Dennis the improving angler and master of lateral thinking.
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