Fishing Temple Lake for the first time, new specimen carp member Dan Hughes caught a new personal best on Sunday morning, a lovely mirror weighing 33lb 12oz. Dan, from Carshalton, Surrey, caught his new PB English mirror from peg 4 using an 18mm Fusion boilie, which was fished in conjunction with a PVA bag and 4mm halibut pellets close to the aerator sited between the islands in around 4′ of water. Surprisingly, Dan caught his fish within an hour of setting up and battled for 15 minutes before landing it. Not to be outdone, Old Bury Hill Lake produced a season’s best in the shape of a 32lb mirror to Kevin Fay, a regular at Bury Hill with a string of Bury Hill twenties already under his belt. A new personal best, Kevin fished a strawberry boilie in conjunction with a PVA bag attached to a small BDS lead packed with broken boilies, pellet and small pieces of luncheon meat, which Kevin fished close to the edge of a large set of lilies.
Tackling his swim, which is sandwiched in between two large sets of lilies, with strong tackle, Kevin knew that he must be on his rod immediately should a run materialize if he was to avoid snagging the fish. Following a heart-thumping 15 minute fight, Kevin finally watched as a fellow angler helped slip the net under his new PB. Further information is available by contacting Dan on 0208 641 0045 and Kevin on 0208 407 0215. Recent notable catches Bury Hill Lake Temple Lake Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact David on 01306 877540. |