As the current foot-and-mouth outbreak continues to rage throughour land there will be many anglers who may wish to either take upsea fishing for the first time or, like myself, return to this aspectof our sport.
Not all of us can afford to commit ourselves to tackle at the topend of the market so there is likely to be a healthy market for thosewho wish to buy serviceable tackle in the lower to mid-priceband.

This is the area where the Shakespeare company has had a goodreputation for many years for providing solid and serviceable tackleat reasonable cost. The XK 4000 Beachcaster rod being a goodexample.
The review model was ringed for fixed spool use, there is aversion ringed for multiplier use.
The rod, supplied in a cloth bag, is 12′ long in two equalsections with overfit joints. The rings are lined and the otherfittings are of reasonable quality. The tip is painted a nicereflective white.
The rod has a gentle tip, which makes for good bite indication,with the power coming in further down the blank. Whilst this rod isnever going to win any tournaments it is easy enough for theinexperienced to wind up and achieve reasonable fishingdistances.
I found that with an appropriate fixed spool reel I was easilyable to achieve 150yds with a 5oz lead, which should be more thanenough for most purposes.
For the person who wishes to undertake occasional beach fishingforays, and for those on a budget, this is a competent enough rodwhich can be purchased with confidence.
RRP is just £ 42.