On Sunday 13th May 2001 the Specialist Angler’s Alliancefinally came into being with the amalgamation of the NationalAssociation of Specialist Anglers and the Specialist Angler’sConservation Group.

The aims of SAA are:
To defend all the angling rights and interests of its members,member groups and specialist anglers.

To represent all our members within the National Angling Alliance,to other bodies and organisations, in particular with regard toenvironmental and political matters of concern to angling.

To campaign on behalf of members for a cleaner aquaticenvironment. To continue to provide a unified body for the benefit ofall members, member groups and specialist anglers.

To collect and record factual information on notable fish capturesthrough a voluntary reporting scheme.

To provide 2 representatives to sit on the British Record FishCommittee.

Membership of SAA is open to all single species groups as well asall clubs, societies and individual anglers. Application forms will be available shortly from the membership secretary Pat Cross. Details will be published, in due course, on the SAA website atwww.anglersnet.co.uk

As an example of the diverse approach SAA will be taking a draftresponse to the Common Fisheries Policy Green Paper was agreed atSunday’s meeting and will be forwarded to both MAFF and the EuropeanCommission.

A new Rivers Group was formed, within SAA, to represent thespecific needs of river anglers and the species they fish for. TheRivers Group will be led by Lee Fletcher of Lincolnshire.

The new unified body will incorporate the political work of SACGalong with the conferences and publications of NASA and it will takethe representation of specialist angling into a new era. SAA is aconstituent part of the recently formed National Angling Alliance,and will continue to contribute to the formation of national policiesfor the promotion and development of angling interests.

Apart from regular quarterly meetings the SAA will be making useof the internet and e-mail as a means of policy development andcommunication. Already revisions to the SACG Code of Conduct are inhand, development work has started on the formation of localConservation Groups based within various river catchments and workis being done with Government and the Wildlife Trusts to furtherprotect fish stocks.

For further information contact:
Michael Heylin
01442 230925
01442 398044 Fax

Officers Elected at the Formative Meeting of SAA. To serve forthree years:

Barrie Rickards

Vice Presidents
Chris Burt
Keith Barker
Tim Marks

Keith Barker

Kevin Stephenson

Assistant Treasurers
Pat Cross
Chris Burt

Michael Heylin

Membership Secretary
Pat Cross

Assistant Secretary & Web Site Manager
Rob Stubbs

Finance Officer & Vice Chairman
Alan Pearce

Head of Communications
Howard Yendle

Group Liaison Officer
Dave Lumb

Magazine Editor
Paul Clinkenborg

Assist Mag Editor
Dave Stirzaker

Advertising Manager
Alan Tebbitt

Newsletter Editor
Barry Cartwright

Assistant Newsletter Editor
Dunk Fairley

Newsletter Distribution
Nev Fickling

Regional Organiser
Anthony Jolly

Conservation Officer
Phil Hackett

Conservation Advisor
Chris Turnbull

Assistant Conservation Officer
Chris Evans

Rivers Group Officer
Lee Fletcher

External Affairs Officers
Tim Marks
Chris Burt

Assistant EAOs
David Bird
Howard Yendle

Single Species Groups Supporting SAA

Barbel Catchers Club

British Carp Study Group

Carp Society

Catfish Conservation Group

Catfish Society

Chub Study Group

Eel Conservation Society

Eel Study Group

Lure Anglers Society

Manchester Carp Group

National Anguilla Club

Norfolk Anglers Conservation Association


Peterborough Specimen Group

Pike Anglers Club

Pike Fly Fishwers Association

Telford Anglers Specialist Group


The Grayling Society

Zander Anglers Club

The new group was also supported at the meeting by:

Everington Conservation

Leicestershire Angling Federation

Wingham Fisheries

The Spinney Angling Club

Boxmoor & District Angling Society