Now in its sixth campaign with a voting register of over 4000 subscribers is providing ANGLERS nationwide the opportunity to have their say on the major issues affecting our sport.
Thursday 8 July proved to be a milestone in the process involving angler’s opinions in the decisions that affect their sport. Led by their venerable editor Graham Marsden, Fishingmagic members supported the growing Anglers Say audience to produce the largest quantative poll ever undertaken on the Environment Agency’s policy of allowing barbel to be stocked in stillwaters. When the poll closed on Sunday 8 August a stunning three thousand eight hundred and sixty nine anglers had ‘stood up to be counted’ on the question: ‘Should the Environment Agency review their guidelines that allow barbel to be stocked in stillwaters?’ Preliminary Poll Result Question: Should the Environment Agency review their guidelines that allow barbel to be stocked in stillwaters? Aggregated response: 3869 Option 1: Yes they should2322 (60%) Option 2: No they shouldn’t1393 (36%) Option 3: I have no opinion 154 (4%) Greatest geographic response Midland Region: 890 (23%) Largest age group response: 36 to 55 years: 41% Competition Winner I Trevors of Gwent receives his Daiwa Infinity X BR reel because his name was chosen at random from those who entered our competition. FISHINGmagic Fan New Poll In a recent interview for this web site, the discussion moved on to the governance of our sport. My question was simple. In this day and age is it fair to expect unpaid volunteers to run the governing body of the nation’s largest sport? “Let’s ask the Anglers Say audience,” said Keith. To view the new articles on the homepage and Keith’s question click here |