I think when most people talk of catapults for angling the mostcommon name mentioned must be Trev Tomlin. And why not, after all hewas the first person to offer a range of catapults tailor made forfishing.

Having used the original Tomlin ‘Whopper Dropper’ for a few yearsnow and being very pleased with its performance I was only too happyto have a go with the latest groundbait catapult in the range, theSuper Power Groundbait Catapult.
The information on the card states that the Super Power Groundbaitcatapult makes groundbaiting up to 80 metres a reality and that theversatile rubber pouch allows for very large balls of groundbait tobe fed at medium distances without break-up.
I was pleased to see that the frame and handle is of the same highquality and build as the Whopper Dropper so it will withstand a lotof use and abuse. But that’s where any similarity ends, gone are thestainless rings that attach the elastic to the frame. Instead thesuper strong latex elastic fits straight onto the ends of thearms.
The pouch is also different in that it has a flexible rubber pouchunlike the Whopper Dropper’s plastic dish base and is certainly bigenough to hold fair sized balls of groundbait without squashing andthe finger tag is perfect when your hands are covered ingroundbait.

On using the Super Power catapult I found it every bit as powerfulas the company promised. It was also easy to keep the distance andaccuracy consistent as the guy on the other side of the lake I wasfishing shouted to me from behind a tree!
Seriously though, if you want a good reliable catapult capable ofputting groundbait good distances with accuracy then this would be myfirst choice.
I also found that the Super Power could put groups of baits outaround the same distance with a fair amount of accuracy.
Finally, if you do a lot of heavy distance ground baiting you willknow only too well the effect it can have on the wrist. This problemcan be greatly reduced by using the Trev Tomlin Power Arm (seephoto). A clever little piece of kit that fits snugly into the handleof the Wopper Dropper range of catapults and rests over the forearmtaking a lot of the strain from the wrist and at the same time aidingaccuracy.
The Trev Tomlin Super Power Groundbait Catapult is available frommost tackle outlets for around £ 8.45 and the Trev Tomlin PowerArm retails around £ 4.99.
Spare elastics and cups cost around £ 2.50 should you need toreplace them.