Never mind smelling the flowers, don’t forget to take time out to see the satirical side of fishing life and grab a laugh along the way. |
All New! HydroBrayd, Revolva and BorysBaytesThe TickleTackle boffins are constantly being urged to bring out new products for the burgeoning hordes of barbel anglers. But as we know, TT is above all an ethical company, and simply re-branding carp gear to make a quick profit is not a route they would choose to go down.So with that in mind, they have now turned their attention to launching a new range of innovative products specifically for barbel anglers, the likes of which have not been seen before and, as always, at prices you will struggle to comprehend. HydroBraydFirst up is HydroBrayd main line, a truly revolutionary breakthrough. This braid is woven on a special (patented) former, which gives it a teardrop shaped profile. This is hydro dynamically designed to offer the least possible resistance to running water. The massive reduction in drag brought about by this new profile allows you to fish with much less weight, even in torrent-like conditions, and will render ‘Floodwater’ type rods obsolete.
As a further bonus, the leading edge of the line is microscopically serrated, meaning it will slice through troublesome floating weed, and it’s flattish cross-section means it is better suited to use on centrepin or multiplier reels (see other exciting new TT products). Hydro braid is available in interconnected spools in various breaking strains, and of course, in left or right hand versions, dependent on which way the river is flowing. RevolvaA centre pin reel specifically for barbel fishing? Nothing new there, you would think…But it seems that the technologists at TT have come up with a way of re-inventing the wheel. Milled from a solid titanium billet, of course, and anodised in a lustrous but discreet camouflage pattern, the unique new developments should be immediately noticeable. The outer, cassette type drum covers the all-new hydraulically operated disc braking system.The set-up owes a lot to F1 racing technology, featuring, as it does, a carbon fibre disc and ceramic pads. Various (cheaper) materials were tried, but it was felt that there was no other option than using the very best when it came to stopping those powerful runs that only barbel can make.
The hydraulic braking action is provide by a system similar to the lever drag on a multiplier, but capable of generating incredible stopping power with just the flick of a thumb. The brake calliper is sprayed red, of course, in best sports car practice, and service is required every 5000 meters. A small LED counter in the centre of the hub displays the distance the drum has travelled. Please note that due to the highly sophisticated nature of this reel, spare parts will not be made available. In order to ensure that the warranty in not invalidated by lack of maintenance the spool will be locked solid once the stated usage has been reached. BorysBaytesOne of TickleTackle’s mantras is that it is always better to lead than to follow, so a subsidiary operation has been created with the express intention of providing exciting, innovative and sometimes radical new baits for barbel anglers. Plenty of blue-sky thinking to be done here, but first up on the launch pad is FyshFyngers.Here is a perfect fusion of traditional and modern barbel baits. An inner, fish based centre, to pander to barbel that have grown accustomed to halibut pellets, but wrapped in a crispy outer shell of breadcrumbs, to tempt those fish more in tune with the traditional angler’s baits such as crust and flake. Best presented as half-bait on a hair rig, BorysBaytes can be used frozen, straight from the packet, or ring the changes by gently grilling or frying before use. Will be supplied in Natural Golden at first, but other colours will become available very soon All of the above products are available at your local, approved TickleTackle dealer. As always, if you have to ask the prices, you can’t afford them. And if you have to ask the prices, you’re not really the sort of customer we want. |