<---Previous page of the Shimano Beastmaster Commercial Rods ReviewThe Beastmaster AX Commercial Feeder Rods by Graham MarsdenBMAX911C Beastmaster AX Commercial 9′-11′The iconic 9-11 has been reworked to produce a more crisp action. Three separate top sections blend the action into the butt offering three different rods at two different lengths. The original 9-11 was seen as the iconic commercial rod but now offers more versatility.
BMAX116C Beastmaster AX Commercial 11’6 The all-round Commercial feeder rod. The 11’6″ is a truly versatile rod covering all close-in to medium range feeder. Designed retaining a playing action but capable of punching XXyds. The new ‘Super Sensitive 1’ tip makes this rod an ideal skimmer rod at distance. Developed to fold as a two piece for transport. BMAX900CP Beastmaster AX Commercial 12’6 DistanceThe 12’6″ is a rod that covers a multitude of tasks. The quiver eyes are all larger profile that enabling you to use shock leaders. But this rod also works well as a distance Bream rod and with the ‘Super Sensitive 2’ tip will show even the shyest bites. Developed to fold as a two piece for transport. VerdictWith these three rods you’re well covered to fish pretty delicately close in, or to medium range with a bomb or not too heavy feeder, or to very long range with a heavy feeder. The 12′ 6″ Distance is a true beast of a rod, a real Beastmaster, that can put that loaded feeder out to 80yds and more.
Whilst the 12′ 6″ Distance is all power the 11′ 6″ is far from delicate, although you would get away with lighter lines with this rod. However, I’ve landed carp into double figures with all these rods and even the lightest handled them with ease. I’ve left the best till last in the feeder range. This 9-11 is a genuinely very versatile rod with its three separate top sections (not plug-in tips but three complete tops) that all feel well balanced with either of the butts.
The combinations offer three very different rods at two different lengths and in many instances make it the only feeder rod you will ever need. At 9′ and with the lightest top it’s one of the most delicate feeder rods I’ve ever used, and yet I landed carp to low double figures on it without a problem. At times it took on quite a frightening curve but never once did I feel that it wasn’t up to the job. A true marvel of modern materials.
As Mark writes (next page), I’m still not sure just how useful it is to be able to add or remove the butt counter-weights in any of the feeder rods. I can see the sense of them in theory when the handles are so much shorter than what is seen as normal. Perhaps there is a greater need for them in the float rods, which you tend to hold for most of the time, but so far I don’t see, or at least I can’t feel, any need for them in the feeder rods which are either on a rod rest, casting, or playing a fish.
In the first instance it doesn’t matter one way or the other, and in the latter two instances the weight of what you have on the end quite easily overrides the increase in weight in the butt even with all the available weight added. Apart from the butt weights in this range, which I think are largely redundant, the feeder rods positively compliment the range and are a real pleasure to use. 9/10 PAGE 4 of the Beastmaster Commercial Rods Review by Mark Wintle |