Many times we’ve debated on the forum what effect the lunar phases have on fishing and opinion is always very diverse. My own opinion is that there IS some truth in it, that the moon’s phase does indeed have some effect on what we catch, or not, as the case may be.
Many people are great believers in the theory and one of the first was John Alden Knight who, in 1935, actually came up with a formula for these times. He called them the ‘Solunar Tables’, ‘sol’ for sun and ‘lunar’ for moon. Now, with the aid of the Fish and Game Forecast, which uses the very same principles that were used for John Alden Knights’ tables, you have the chance to see for yourself just how much value there is in these forecasts. The DataSport Forecast, however, was one of the very early users of computers, so many other factors have been integrated into their forecasts. DataSport say, “Most students of solunar-based information recognize that there are two major and two minor periods each day. In general, the major periods last longer than the minor periods, but perhaps more important, there is a real difference in the strength of the two types of times. In fact, based on the proximity to the new moon and the full moon, the two types of periods get relatively stronger and/or weaker. The closer to the new and full moon, the stronger (better) the activity. Conversely, the farther away from those times, the weaker (less) the activity. One important thing to recognize is that these (and all) tables relate to activity not feeding times. The theory is that animals and fish are active because they are moving to feed.” The DataSport Fish & Game Forecast does not guarantee a specimen fish or a big bag of fish. It will never replace knowledge, experience or good judgement. But it could enable you to make those hours spent on the lake or along the riverbank more enjoyable and more productive. Click here to see forecasts for the next five days. The readings are applicable for all the northern hemisphere. Note the times when the Forecast says is best, and then see if it corresponds with the actual times you’re most successful – if you’re out fishing of course! Nobody is claiming that the Datasport Forecast is magic, but too many anglers, and hunters, moreso in America rather than here it must be said, swear by it for there not to be more than a hint of truth in the theory. For long range forecasts you need to purchase either or both of the books via this link: |