The FishingMagic Species Hunt 2007/2008The first round of the 2007/2008 Species Hunt held in aid of Macmillan Nurses starts next weekend 17/18th November.Simply put, the aim is to catch as many different species as you can on your own choice of venue/s. All FM members are welcome to take part but if you wish to enter you must do so by 11.30pm on Wednesday 14th November. If you’re not a member of FishingMagic you can join free! Entry to the Species Hunt is free, but most competitors contribute £ 5 a person to Macmillan. However, anyone who is temporarily (or permanently) skint, just say you wish to take part. No one is belly-aching about money and no lists of who has/hasn’t contributed will be published on the site. It is a charity event so if you can cough up then great, but the most important thing is that people join in and the event goes ahead. The dates are as follows: 1st leg 17/18th Nov 2007 A league will run from the 1st leg. However, if for some reason you cannot fish on one weekend, you still have the other 2 weekends to catch up. The comp will be 2 a-side teams, with the draw made randomly, and online next Thursday 15th November, like last time. Species caught must be submitted via a digital pic showing your team code number, exact details of the draw and how to submit pics will appear on the site next week.
The overall winning team is the team with the biggest point’s total, ie, with both competitors totals added together. So if I catch 5 species (5 points) my team mate gets the same 5 species and 2 other species (7 points) then the team total=12 points, but my team mate is above me in the individual league as he has 7 species (7 points). In the event of a points tie, it is the team (or individual) with the biggest specimen fish, ie, that individual fish which is the biggest proportion (percentage-wise) of the current British record from the aforementioned list, if this is also a tie, it is the next biggest percentage wise and so on! Competitors must state whether they are fishing for freshwater or sea species (except for Emmo who when fishing in the Falklands can fish for both), but the only species allowed are via the British record lists (see next to bottom left of contents column) on the NFSA site. Prizes so far include a Shakespeare Fishing Suit from FM for the overall winner/s and a selection of Sonu baits from Eddie C for the best crucian picture and a Trophy currently held by Mark Wintle for the individual champ! |