The future of the River Usk

Environment Agency Wales has launched the Catchment AbstractionManagement Strategy (CAMS) for the River Usk catchment. CAMS are beingdeveloped across England and Wales making more information on waterresources and abstraction licensing publicly available.

The Usk CAMS presents our assessment of the catchment’s water resourcesand will form the basis for all our decisions on the sustainablemanagement of these resources over the next six years.

Water abstraction, the removal of water, permanently or temporarily,from rivers, canals, reservoirs or underground strata usually requiresan abstraction licence from the Environment Agency. This helps to ensurethat enough water is left in our rivers for the recreational needs ofother people and for the environment.

The Usk CAMS area covers over 1,000 square kilometres of mostly ruralland. It is one of Environment Agency Wales’ largest catchments andincludes the River Usk and its tributaries, but not the Usk Estuary. TheMonmouthshire and Brecon Canal also falls within the catchment. In theUsk CAMS catchment water is taken mainly from surface water and somegroundwater sources.

Following the consultation period last autumn, a statement of responsewas issued. The statement of response and the final strategy documentare available to view on the Environment Agency’s

If you would like a paper copy of either document or more information,please contact Kathryn Mainwaring, Regulatory Officer responsible forthe Usk CAMS, on 02920 245393 or via

In the Usk CAMS catchment water is abstracted for public water supply,navigation, agriculture, commerce/industry, domestic use, sprayirrigation, horticultural watering, lake/pond maintenance, fish farmingand hydropower generation. The catchment is also important for angling,recreation and tourism, as well as for providing a habitat for manynationally and internationally important species. The ecological valueof the catchment is recognised through the designation of the River Uskand its upper tributaries as Sites of Special Scientific Interest(SSSIs) and a riverine Special Area of Conservation (SAC). This SACdesignation under the European Union Habitats Directive has been a majorconsideration in developing the Usk CAMS.

The impact of all abstraction licences on the River Usk and itstributaries has been taken into account in developing the Usk CAMS. Theaim of the strategy is to balance environmental requirements with localeconomic needs and allows everyone to see where water is available forfurther abstraction and how we propose to manage these water resourcesin the future. It is available to anyone who has an interest in waterresources, but particularly those who wish to abstract water from thecatchment for any purpose. The Usk CAMS will enable businesses andprivate individuals to consider water resource availability prior toapplying for an abstraction licence.

The Environment Agency is currently reviewing existing abstractionlicences within the Usk catchment for compliance with the HabitatsDirective Regulations. Affected licence holders are being consulted.This work will be completed at the end of March 2008. The River Usk CAMSwill be revised and updated accordingly. The revised licensing strategywill be reported as an annual update on the Environment Agency’s websiteat