He now fishes just for fun, although the ‘floppy specialist hat’ still dominates his angling, his writing concentrates on getting the maximum enjoyment from your angling and trying something different from the norm. |
Dear Santa……Yes folks it’s that time of year again, when the inhabitants of this tiny isle participate in the national pastime that is shopping with someone else’s money and then giving them twice as much back in the new year, oh joy of joys, shopping centres will become irresistible magnets to those that can’t resist the lure of the retail bait. You know being a marketing manager for a retail store must be like fishing, after all you pick your spot based on its likelihood to have your quarry in the locality, then you attract the shopper in with a few little teasers, like groundbaiting you see, then you catch them with the one hookbait they can’t resist ! Anyway I’m not going to go all Scrooge-like on you all, I am after all a great fan of the excesses of Christmas, especially of the food and drink variety, the excitement of children (and adults), the odd feeling of goodwill shown in the community (all too lacking in today’s me, me, me society), and I also look forward to getting some of those things that I cannot justify buying out of the family budget, as presents. So for those who are struggling to respond to that most common of late November or early December questions, “What do you want for Christmas?” here’s a few suggestions that you might want to find under the tree come the 25th. And for those who really want to start getting in the festive spirit I recommend reading this accompanied by a box of deep filled mince pies, a small draft of sherry, a little stilton and a bottle of port, in doing so this article will become interactive, good health, keerching ! (the ring of glasses for those without imagination). Oh and don’t forget the Carols……. The printed word Books are a great passion of mine, there’s something about them that tugs at me in a way that no other form of art or media does. It is one of my great ambitions to one day own a property in which I can have a small library all of my own, complete with oak panelling and an open fire; a comfy chair and side table would complete the furnishings, then just add books.
Most people love a good book, and unlike most other gifts they are kept and read, or referred to, for many years. There are hundreds of great angling books out there, some inspirational, some instructional, some that are legendary. Put a couple on your Christmas list, they make an ideal present for those non anglers in the family who are clueless about what to buy you. Just give them the author and title and they can order them from a bookshop or just buy off the internet, nothing could be simpler. Some of the bigger internet sites even offer the facility for you to set up your own wish list which anyone can access and ensure they buy you a present you will cherish. The other form of the printed word which makes a fine gift is a magazine subscription. A great alternative gift this one that lasts all year, as each month a new edition will land on the doormat. Also publications such as Coarse Fisherman will give a free gift with each subscription (a Chub fleece at the moment) so it’s two gifts for the price of one. Something to receive on the day and a magazine for the whole year, what could be better! Club Cards and Tickets It’s coming up to that time of year again when many club cards or associations have to have their money paid again to ensure membership in the new year. Why not suggest that someone does this for you on your behalf as a present. A year’s fishing is a great present, and for under £ 30 something along the lines of a Birmingham Anglers Association card that offers miles of fishing all year round is unbeatable. Alternatively, membership to the Pike Anglers Club, Barbel Society and other like organisations makes a great gift and also provide social opportunities as well. Vouchers It’s almost impossible for non anglers to buy tackle for anglers at Christmas. Although most tackle shops will point them in the right direction unless a specific product is named as a desired gift by the angler in question, there is always the possibility that good money could be spent on a ‘white elephant’ of a gift. Gift vouchers are always the better choice, most tackle shops do them as do some of the internet sites, this gives the recipient the opportunity to get what they really want, and if no major purchases are required by the recipient then they can always be used throughout the year on bait and accessories that are always needed. Something for the goggle box There’s no denying that angling on the TV now has a firm foothold and to accompany it there are hundreds of DVD’s that make ideal purchases for Christmas. Something along the lines of the ‘A Passion for Angling’ DVD available direct from their website makes a great inspiring gift. Alternatively there are many instructional and ‘how to’ DVD’s available from the internet and tackle shops that cover nearly every aspect of modern angling, again great gifts that will be watched time and time again. Digital Photo frames
Vanity is not one of the most flattering of human traits but alas it is one that the majority of anglers suffer from as we like nothing more than others, or ourselves for that matter, looking at our greatest catches or most memorable moments that we have frozen in time. In this digital age it is now possible to display the images of your finest angling moments on a continual slide show in the most poignant parts of your residence thanks to the digital photo frame. Now thanks to this wonderful piece of technology you will no longer have to thrust forth photo albums, or sit someone in front of your computer to show off your angling prowess, the digital photo frame will do this for you. And for those with a bigger ego, and budget to match, you can get 15″ wall hung versions, happy days! An ideal Christmas present for the angler who needs to be reminded constantly of their achievements. Time If asked what the most valuable thing you can give to someone I would always have to say “your time”. In today’s highly pressurised society time is life’s most valuable commodity, and we seem to get less and less of it available to us as the years go by. I once worked with someone who said, “I can’t be bothered with the shops at Christmas, I would rather give someone the money and spend the time not at the shops but in their company, catching up, as we probably won’t have seen each other all year. They appreciate this more than some ill-conceived gift.” Those thoughts have always had a profound effect on my thinking when it comes to giving up time, it really is the most valuable of gifts, and in today’s spend, spend society it is free, all it costs is a little effort. So if you’re strapped for money this Christmas and as a couple or family can’t spend a lot, why not ask for a couple of occasions in the coming year when you can get away from the family for a longer time than usual and enjoy your angling pursuits without the pressure of thinking you have to get back to whatever usually awaits you. This year Mrs H will present me on Christmas morning with two three-day fishing passes, meaning that I have the chance for two long sessions comprising of three whole days and nights on the bank, something that due to having a family and demanding job, I haven’t been able to do for years. It costs nothing, Mrs H just sacrifices her time and energy coping with the kids without me for a while. A great present I truly appreciate and one anyone can give. Novelties and excesses Most of the tackle companies produce items that you just can’t bring yourself to buy but you would love to receive as a present. These are the items such as the specialist anglers wash bags, food/picnic bags complete with cutlery and plates, camera bags, and my personal favourite, the Chub ‘caught short’ toilet roll holder, a must for any angler when you have to venture into the woods and lay a few logs brown bear style. Plus for £ 2.99 the fishing toilet roll holder has unlimited comedy value. Not forgetting also, again for those that require the odd bit of ego stroking there’s nothing wrong with a hip flask or tankard with ‘World’s Greatest Angler’ emblazoned on the side; after all, we all are aren’t we ?
Essential non essentials Essential non essentials are those items that are not directly connected with the fishing itself but we could not do without. These make ideal presents as they are usually purchased from stores which you wouldn’t associate with fishing and so non anglers have no trouble in accessing them. Items such as clothing, flasks, head torches, cameras, photography accessories, insect repellent, sun cream, and sunglasses are things no angler should be without at the bankside. For those who are really struggling just grab the Argos book and flick through, just list the numbers of the items you need and give it to them, that way you’ve done all the thinking and half the shopping for them already. I’ve listed a head torch and an MP3 player as my essential non essential angling presents from Argos this year. And if anyone wonders what an MP3 player has to do with fishing, it just provides a little classical music to complete the bankside ambience (and drown out the gobby idiot fishing 5 pegs down !). A day out This one is to give, not to accept. If you’re struggling to think of a present for the angler who has everything then why not give them an all expenses paid days fishing, also great for the non angler who you want to introduce to the sport. Design them a red letter day, provide all the tackle, bait and refreshments and even accommodation if necessary. If you do something along the lines of booking a boat for day at Blenheim Palace, which gives an enchanting scenery and the potential for some great fishing they will have a great time. Or if you really want to go overboard then how about a guided day with one of angling’s big names. Trouble is, you need a big wallet to go with this one! So there are a few ideas to keep you going, with the festive season upon us it’s time to get the Christmas albums out, put up the lights and get that electricity meter spinning, and not forgetting, stock up on the Rennie. (which for those that have participated in the mince pie, sherry, stilton and port, interactive experience, it may be time to pop a few Rennie now !) All together now: “Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way…” loud crash as author falls off seat after consuming too much sherry and port whilst writing article! |