Two tops are supplied with this top drawer rod from Shimano, aplain ‘Avon’ type and one that will accept a range of four push-inquivertips – 1.5oz, 2oz, 2.5oz fibreglass and a 3oz carbon.

Shimano XT100/200 Graphite technology has been used in themanufacture of this 12ft, 1lb 6oz test curve rod with its progressiveaction blank. The rod is capable of casting weights up to 3oz. Ringsare the top quality Fuji SIC, suitable for both braid and nylon, andthe butt is half cork, half duplon with a quality Fuji reel seat.
The Antares is a deluxe, stepped up version, of the TechniumSpecialist, suitable for lines in the 6lb to 8lb class, making itideal for general barbel and specialist fishing for most species.
The finish is classy and the through-action smooth yet firm. Ifyou’re looking for a rod that has ‘feel’, and isn’t just a carbontube with rings, then this could be the one for you.
It won’t throw a big lead to the horizon but you’ll definitelythrill to the real feel of playing a big fish on a rod that respondswell to the fish’s every movement, and acts, like a rod should, as ashock absorber when the fish makes a sudden bid for freedom.
With rods like this we are close to carbon rods having that ‘life’that only split cane rods had.
Such quality, however, comes at a premium, and in this case thecost is £ 239.99.
Supplied in a leather-type, zip-topped tube.