Unlike all our other Caption Competitions, which were judged by me, this one The Silk Caption Competition has been judged by the artist himself, Mark St Jefferson, or Silk as he’s better known, with not a little help from his wife. So, over to Mr and Mrs Silk: How you pick one out of them all every month I really don’t know. Narrowing it down to three was hard enough. And that was with bringing my wife into it to help decide (she fishes too, and has done for longer than me… which is 26 years). We narrowed it down to 13 pretty quickly, marking points in three categories. 1 for funnies, 1 for poignancy, and 1 for being topical. We then argued and tried to eliminate any prejudice (which is always hard) and in the end came to these: First place for the poignant category, which with that photo manages to sum fishing up, is Mike Meek’s:
Says it all to me. I mean we have all been there… and I would like a quid for every time I have said it, normally until I can no longer see the end of the rod and have to pack up in pitch darkness. 2nd is Alan Broomhead’s: ‘It was first light and as I peered out from the comfort of my bivvie, I could just make out….. Some old geezer, trying to nick all my gear!!!’ For not only seeing something that no one else did, but almost managing to fall between poignant and funny. I liked the way he sets up the first line as though it were going to be another Wilson quote only to chuck in a punch line…and it really did make me laugh. Third was Chris Isaacs with: ‘Look Silk, I know you like your pictures to be accurate, but surely after 3 hrs of sketching you’ve done more than just the rods!’ For managing to be both amusing and topical. It really made us both smile, couldn’t help it, and it was kind of topical. A number of other entries made us laugh aloud including Bob Ferris’s‘It moved didn’t it? Did it?’ which comes to close to most of my quivertipping experience for comfort. And Rodney Wrest’s: ‘There we go, I don’t see no stinking ‘no fishing’ sign.’ had me roaring’. Thanks to all for taking part. I enjoyed judging it – Silk Thanks for making a thoroughly good job of judging the competition Mark and Mrs St Jefferson. Winners – please send me your street addresses and let me know your choice of print in order of 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. Mike gets his first choice, Alan gets first choice of the remaining two and Chris gets the one that’s left. |