I don’t know who designed the Thermos Light and Compact flask, butI wouldn’t be surprised if it was an angler. It has all those littleinnovations that an angler would ask for in a flask, and morebesides.

It’s made from stainless steel of course (which angler would haveanything else these days?). Not ordinary stainless steel, butunbreakable high tensile stainless steel.
But you know the trouble with stainless don’t you? Yes, it’sheavy. That’s the price you have to accept you have to pay for anunbreakable flask. Not any more you don’t, not with this one. Icouldn’t believe how light it was. Or how small, for a flask thatholds 0.75 of a litre.
Three quarters of a litre is just the right quantity for mostsessions when you would normally take a flask, and the one-pushbutton stopper allows drinks to be poured single-handed – anadvantage for sure when you don’t want to let go of the rod. Thisstopper can also be dismantled for easy cleaning.

The inner liner is specially treated for greater hygiene and thecup is insulated to keep your poured drink warmer for longer.
The flask comes with a smart nylon carrier, complete with carryingstrap and the whole lot will fit easily into the side pocket of arucksack or carryall.

The claim is that it will keep drinks hot or cold for up to 24hours. I can tell you from personal experience that mine has kept teaand coffee hot enough to drink for a full 24 hours.
They retail at £ 21.99 and I reckon they’re damn goodvalue.
Better value though, is to subscribe toCoarse Fisherman magazine for £ 30, plus £ 5 to coverpostage. That way you’ll get one of these flasks forfree!
The subscription hotline is 01162511277.