Every month FISHINGmagic nips down to the local newsagent and buys the latest coarse fishing magazines. Then we flip through the pages, stopping here and there, and tell you what you can look forward to.

Updated with more magazines as we get them.


February/March edition

The magazine says it is ‘The Magazine for theAbsolute Angler.’ It has a few authors with names that justcan’t be real and covers coarse, game and sea fishing.


A glossy, quality, perfect bound bi-monthly that is steeped in theold traditions of a bygone age. The writings and the photographs aretop class, but whether those writings and photographs will hold anyinterest for you is another question. If you have a penchant for somerather pretentious writing and old tackle, particularly split canerods and creels, then this could be just up your street -cobbled of course.

Shark Angling by Montgolfier: Gainsborough Leach tells a taleabout shark fishing from a hot-air balloon.
The Waterlog: Chris Yates goes fishing for grayling and asks”Does a river that flows south…..mean that the fish find food moreeasily than on a northern flowing river because, on a clear day, theyare dazzled by the sun?”.
More People Have Been to the Moon: Monty Halls takes a diveinto the jungle pools of the Raspaculo River in Central America.
Ginifer’s Ramblings: A story about leasing The