Win a smart FM cap and tee-shirt by writing a useful User Review

Something more to smile about this christmas as three more of you budding angling enthusiasts win yourselves an amazing cap and tee-shirt.

This week’s winners are:

Svendsen Sports Imax floatation suits by Bob Watson

Greys Prodigy Specimen David Clarkson

ECG (Expert Carp Gear) The modular bait bag by Rodney Wrestt

Fancy an FM cap and tee-shirt? Then send in your User Reviews. A big thank you to all of you who send in your reviews. They are a most valuable part of the site and very much appreciated.
We’ve still got loads more tee-shirts and hats to be given out to those members who submit good quality reviews.

The more you submit the better your chance of winning. And besides, the more you swell this database of the gear and bait you use the more you help those who wish to make a considered choice. The User Review section is the epitome of what FISHINGmagic is all about, a community of anglers that interact and help each other.

Make sure you play your part.

Winners will be contacted by email for your address and your cap and tee-shirt posted to you.