Veritably, A Miracle!
I have recently been testing the new Drennan Feeder Bombs and sent my review to Graham. When he read it, he commented that they sounded similar to the Thamesly feeders and I agreed. However, as if to prove a point and out of the kindness of his heart he sent two down to me in the post, I confirmed they were the same and placed them on the hall table.
On Sunday I went fishing with the intention of using the groundbait feeder, but on passing the maggot feeders Graham had sent me I stuck them in the tackle box. After four hours fishing with the groundbait feeders I’d caught maybe 14 or 15 fish, nothing large, but then I wasn’t expecting anything large.
I then decided on a change and retied my rig to a fixed paternoster and decided on a maggot feeder; I didn’t fancy losing a new Drennan Feeder Bomb to a passing boat and the Thameslys that Graham had sent came to hand. It occurred to me that if I lost one it would have cost me nothing so I tied one on, put three maggots on a 14s hook, filled the feeder with maggots and cast out.
Straight away, pluck-pluck and I struck into a nice little roach. The sport continued with a bite a chuck, usually straight after the bait had hit the bottom. Roach followed roach, followed dace, followed perch, followed roach and so on. In the next 45 minutes or so I must have had more than 30 fish, but I wanted a lighter feeder and the only others I had were Kamasan Black Caps so I exchanged the Thamesly for one of those.
I cast and …. nothing. After three minutes I reeled in, the hook maggots were untouched, I refilled the feeder and re-cast. Again ….. nothing. I checked I was fishing the same area I had been fishing, distance, position and I was truly puzzled! I changed back to the Thamesly Graham had sent me and slowly the bites came back. Weird!
![]() ![]() Holy Feeder! |
After a while I sussed what it was. Nothing to do with the feeder, the method, the position, nor the bait, it was the fact that HE, Graham Marsden, had touched those feeders in the past. I was not only witnessing, but was actually part of a blessed miracle that was taking place.
The reason I have left it until now is that I have had to consult various local clergy who have voiced their disbelief, but will admit that perhaps powers that even they cannot understand are involved here. Some have said that if true this could change the way of their faith and even Imams are worried of the repercussions that could occur within the Muslim community.
I do believe this to be true and this has left me with a dilemma; do I keep the feeders so all the converted faithful can worship them in a little shrine on the banks of the Thames, use them to win money in matches, or do I stick them on Ebay for the highest possible bid?
Now, I know what you’re all thinking, “Will Graham be so good as to touch my tackle” (yes, I do know how that sounds). I have consulted HIM and HE is willing to lay HIS hands on and bless the tackle of any FM member. All that HE asks is that people form an orderly queue to HIS home and not to cause any traffic hold-ups on the M6. Also not to call on Tuesdays or Fridays as he wants to go fishing then as well.
HE has already had a turnstile fitted on account that HE has recently had HIS drive and patio redone in that patterned concrete and was receiving so many visitors wanting to view that. Entrance is gained by feeding the turnstile with half-crowns pieces (HE will supply them at the cost of £ 10 each). HE couldn’t afford a newer decimalised model.
So there you have it, this could be the start of a new religion and in two thousand years time people will be worshipping the Thamesly feeder, reading the scriptures of “The Book of St. Ron.” and “The Gospel According to Woody”. This is the new beginning !
Note: “HE” will in future be written in capitals when referring to Graham Marsden to bear HIM the true reverence HE deserves. Anyone straying from this practice or referring to HIM as “Granville Marzdin” or paying any other seedy or disreputable remarks will incur HIS wrath and could suffer HIS dire prognostications. You have been warned.