Frank’s Weekly Fishing Column

23rd February 2001

Generally sport is not at its best on the majority of our fisheries, evenGrey Mist Mere has not produced much action with the carp still notfeeding. Pike, however, are feeding well and lots of jacks are being caught. Best fish reported weighed in at 14lbs.

Woodshaw Reservoir is worth a visit where anglers are catching qualityroach, perch, and skimmers. Best method is the pole using either caster orpinkie.

The water levels are at a record high at Moore Quarry where only pike arefeeding despite the stocking last year of 2000 small carp. Due to vandalismon the barrier the car park is currently closed until it is repaired. It isvitally important that members continue to ensure all our car park barriersremain locked at all times.

On the River Mersey Paul Donaghue and Brian Cooke had the best catchreported for some time of six chub each to 1lb. The river has definitelyseen much better fishing at this time of the year. Reports please.

Bob Woods has been trying to catch a pike from the Bridgewater Canal andreally hasn’t had much luck to date. However undaunted and using a plug hehooked into his best ever perch. The plump specimen weighed in at 2-12-0.

Ned Barber had better luck, he fished a trout dead bait using the sink anddraw method to take pike of 7lbs, 9-8-0, and 16lbs. The canal is fishingvery patchy with fish tightly shoaled; it’s either feast or famine. OnSunday I walked along the canal at Keckwick Bridge, on one side two anglerswere really struggling, whilst on the other towards Moore another anglerwas bagging up on roach, skimmers, bream, and gudgeon. All anglers were using both bread punch and pinkie.

If any member has changed their address recently please let me knowurgently as we are due to start our labels run for the 2001 licences.

Members can ring me anytime with fishery reports on 01928 716238, fax on01928 713898, or email me at

HQ Parker Street is open as usual on Friday night 7 to 9-30pm forsubscriptions, new members, or simply drop in for a chat and catch up onthe news.

Frank Lythgoe


SATURDAYSenior Open Match draw 11am Star Inn (pegs 860-1040)

MONDAYDisabled & Over 60’s draw 10-15am Star Inn (680-720).