A Long Time Coming


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2022
Reaction score
Charente, France
I had to give up photography around 2006/7 following a serious eye injury. I sold off most of my gear and have only lightly dabbled since. A few months ago following an eye test the opthalmist mentioned thst the injury site had now healed. I started rooting around in the basement to see what, if anything I had brought with me to France in 2012. Some of the items were junk, some unusable, but had nostalgic value and amongst the other stuff was a late 1950's Zeiss Contaflex Super with some lenses and other bits and pieces that I had never used. I had bought the outfit it in a camera bag just before the injury.

So, I found a roll of expired Fuji 200 and started taking a few photos intending to have them developed and scanned. That was months ago. In the meantime whilst looking for something else I discovered my old Nikon dslr outfit that I thought that I had sold. So the Contaflex shots took a back seat. Today, after a postal round trip of over 2,000km to a lab and back the negatives and CD arrived. So, here are some of my first film shots in 18 years.

St Simeux Boats_resize_37.jpg

St Simeux Red Boat_resize_84.jpg

St Simeux Weir Pecheries Buiding_resize_54.jpg

Chaillac Statue_resize_0.jpg

Corot & Broken Windows_resize_93.jpg

Close Up Proxar_resize_13.jpg