Chasing catch reports.

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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No offence meant to anyone but, I often wonder how many anglers who adopt the seemingly altruistic stance have ever been at the ''sharp end'' of seeing a water raped by a constant procession of anglers eager to capitalise on the information garnered from the press reports regardless of how specific.
To be honest your right, I have never come across this personally. I am sure it happens re this thread but it wont stop me reading catch reports. I find them interesting to read on occasions.

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
No offence meant to anyone but, I often wonder how many anglers who adopt the seemingly altruistic stance have ever been at the ''sharp end'' of seeing a water raped by a constant procession of anglers eager to capitalise on the information garnered from the press reports regardless of how specific.

Ray Clark's post illustrates this clearly. No consideration is given to how long the captor had spent in terms of time or money before he achieved his success. ''Instant success seems to be the order of the day''.

Lest it be assumed from the above that I am a grumpy old ******, let me say that whilst being a member of FM I have always been more than willing to assist anyone in my branch of our sport by way of tackle and techniques, (Indeed I have done many times). What I will not do is reveal specific locations, or court publicity.

Yes, I've mentioned it before, I've inadvertently invited a battering of a river stretch. The worst part was that I wasn't fishing the stretch affected and hadn't been for the better part of a year. I didn't appreciate just how many people lurk on forums harvesting information. I also didn't appreciate how many people might connect real world to fairly anonymous forum posts.

However, whilst I won't willingly precipitate such a situation again, I can still acknowledge that I'll use any sources of information I can get. In my case, I'm not chasing known fish round the whole of the country. Mostly it's guarded information from trusted sources. I still can't blame those without access to such sources doing what they can to get decent results. Making good use of excellent contacts and a friendly network, whilst scorning those that aren't lucky/old enough to have access, has a touch of hypocrisy and a dollop of snobbery about it.

I'm afraid that I simply don't believe that there's an angler alive that's never acted on information gleaned from a third party. Whether that third party is the angling media or a hard won network of angling friends is largely immaterial. If such information exchanges never took place, we'd all be fishing within a few miles of home and never travelling beyond.

Ray Daywalker Clarke

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2007
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I have seen it happen on three venues, where catch reports have bought the circus to town. On two of those venues the fish took an almighty hammering.

On the third venue, a club took over, and managed to stop the same thing from happening.

I was a member of the first two venues, and along with other members warned them what would happen if they let the circus become members, they didn't listen. The fact that a member had also broken club rules regarding the publication of catches, also fell on deaf ears.

The third venue was a day ticket water, that hardly anyone fished, until someone reported their catch, plus all the facts about the venue.

I will also add, that when I had that Roach, it was the controlling club that gave the go ahead for it to be published, and a record claim. Had they said I couldn't, then I wouldn't have. Thats the reason I went to the club first before anything else. The venue and where the fish came from wasn't named.

I don't bother with catch reports, or venues reports. I find it far more satisfying working it out for myself, knowing I have done it off my own back.

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Just a thought, all the famous fisheries are so because of the fish reported from them. That makes me part of the circus as I have fished one or two of them on that basis.
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Ray Daywalker Clarke

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2007
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Just a thought, all the famous fisheries are so because of the fish reported from them. That makes me part of the circus as I have fished one or two of them on that basis.

They are not always famous fisheries Mark, and many famous fisheries are known for the fishing in general, not always because they have big fish.


Well-known member
May 22, 2013
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How many anglers descended on Redmire when Walker and Yates had their moment in the sun?
Not many I'd imagine. It simply wasn't possible.
If there's a circus in town it's the people that let them in that matters.
Not the clowns.

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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They are not always famous fisheries Mark, and many famous fisheries are known for the fishing in general, not always because they have big fish.

I walked along a half mile of river on Sunday, nice day, nice river. Apart from a group of 30 who come down only once a year just one bloke fishing it, miles of empty river. Its because it is not well known, holds only mediocre fish, in fact I wouldn't mind a few more if they did fish it for a change.
BUT-- if I caught a record roach and reported it, there would be a circus probably so I see what you mean. Its daft because the river wouldn't be any different apart from this one fish.
I would probably keep it quiet but general catch reports, we need them really.

I often wonder about those bill boards you see on some commercials fisheries, roach to 3lb, carp to 40lb, tench to 9lb etc, I wonder how genuine they are?
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Jim Crosskey 2

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
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Reading this I'm a little relieved to find that these kind of reports just wouldn't affect me and my fishing.

The thing is, when I can go fishing (and that's not as often as maybe I'd like it to be) then that is enough for me - to just go fishing. The not knowing what I might catch is pretty much the most exciting thing about it.

Wouldn't there be a tremendous sense of anti-climax if you set off 250 mile to fish the spot that you'd identified from Angling Times, cast in and actually caught the fish you'd set out for?!? Then what? Cinema? Bowling? (god forbid!) Golf? because you've already cracked the fishing!

No, not for me. I'll spend my time by the water hoping about something that can't be known for sure. That's what keeps me coming back.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
I often wonder about those bill boards you see on some commercials fisheries, roach to 3lb, carp to 40lb, tench to 9lb etc, I wonder how genuine they are?

In many cases, not very. These "ads" will infer is that the place is stuffed with fish of the quoted weight when in fact [at best] its probably the biggest of any given species that's ever come out of there, ever. The suggestion is that the place is stuffed with fish of that weight when the reality is likely to be very different. Its like the resident bailiff/old boy that every water seems to have....a lot of what they tell you needs to be taken with a massive pinch of salt !

I don't ignore catch reports/bankside gossip but I've never chased a particular fish in me life and I've no intention of starting now.
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Bob Hornegold

Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
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There are few well known anglers who do it all the time and they are treated like Star's by some misguided anglers who seek stardom by rubbing shoulders with these trolls.

I cannot stand them and would actively put them off the scent if possible, at one time when I was fishing the Relief Channel at Fishers Green, myself and a mate had a couple of the trolls follow us to our swims.

Well actually they weren't our swim, they were BLANK swims, which we went to in order to put the Trolls off the scent.

When it got dark we moved back to the area we had been fishing with some success.

Living off the backs of other efforts stinks, they are the lowest of the low and should be avoided at all costs.



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2010
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Remember that a lot of lakes and rivers are given bogus names to put people of the scent. Lakes and rivers are moved around the country and sometimes the fish literally go with them. So your target fish could be miles away in the back of a car.

chav professor

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
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Ipswich, Suffolk
I fish some lovely rivers... Not specimen venues that really have a realistic chance of producing dream fish... But they are my geographical bases I guess. I get more satisfaction catching the best fish in context - rather than chasing.

It does have an impact though... A young angler (skilled and enthusiastic) recently posted pictures of a Chub described as being between 5/6lb... He didn't weigh it - He did not weigh it due to it not even possibly being close to his aspirational target of an 8lb'er.

As he named the river, it is well known... a 'six' would represent a massive specimen for this water. In fact, a friend who knows the river inside out doubted it even would realistically produce a 'six'.... yet this fish was dismissed out of hand. (it helps that I know the history of the river and who fishes it)....

But dillusional... new levels! He has been told by 'someone' that they regularly catch 'sevens' and had a number of 'eights'... I seriously doubt he has physically seen these fish banked, weighed correctly etc...

How can you enjoy what you are catching on the way???

If I chased every report of monsters on my local... I am rubbish... It did a 'seven' and a brace of 'sixes' (no accurate weights... just a seven and a couple of sixes - oh, and loads of fives) last season... A pike angler caught an 'eight' on a dead bait... One lad I spoke to had a double figure Chub!!! (I was polite... 'Wow... never forget your first double figure Chub!')

I wonder how many anglers are chasing mythical fish from mythical swims.... As Bob Horngold.... You don't give away the really good stuff... There is plenty of smoke and mirrors - Specimen anglers are smarter than some give credit....

But if you want to see new levels of stupidity???? Try facebook.... Pictures, with rivers named... Weights may be doubtful in many instances... But it reinforces one thing....

Kids coming into the sport believe that size is every thing...

As for the serious Circus performers... do not underestimate the lengths they will go I heard of one studying botany... so he could identify the plants, ecology and habitat of river plants so he could use that information to inform him of 'where' the picture was taken... Then there is all that loose talk at the tackle shop... Then there is the little clicks that form... the grapevine...

Bob Hornegold

Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
I fish some lovely rivers... Not specimen venues that really have a realistic chance of producing dream fish... But they are my geographical bases I guess. I get more satisfaction catching the best fish in context - rather than chasing.

It does have an impact though... A young angler (skilled and enthusiastic) recently posted pictures of a Chub described as being between 5/6lb... He didn't weigh it - He did not weigh it due to it not even possibly being close to his aspirational target of an 8lb'er.

As he named the river, it is well known... a 'six' would represent a massive specimen for this water. In fact, a friend who knows the river inside out doubted it even would realistically produce a 'six'.... yet this fish was dismissed out of hand. (it helps that I know the history of the river and who fishes it)....

But dillusional... new levels! He has been told by 'someone' that they regularly catch 'sevens' and had a number of 'eights'... I seriously doubt he has physically seen these fish banked, weighed correctly etc...

How can you enjoy what you are catching on the way???

If I chased every report of monsters on my local... I am rubbish... It did a 'seven' and a brace of 'sixes' (no accurate weights... just a seven and a couple of sixes - oh, and loads of fives) last season... A pike angler caught an 'eight' on a dead bait... One lad I spoke to had a double figure Chub!!! (I was polite... 'Wow... never forget your first double figure Chub!')

I wonder how many anglers are chasing mythical fish from mythical swims.... As Bob Horngold.... You don't give away the really good stuff... There is plenty of smoke and mirrors - Specimen anglers are smarter than some give credit....

But if you want to see new levels of stupidity???? Try facebook.... Pictures, with rivers named... Weights may be doubtful in many instances... But it reinforces one thing....

Kids coming into the sport believe that size is every thing...

As for the serious Circus performers... do not underestimate the lengths they will go I heard of one studying botany... so he could identify the plants, ecology and habitat of river plants so he could use that information to inform him of 'where' the picture was taken... Then there is all that loose talk at the tackle shop... Then there is the little clicks that form... the grapevine...


We must catch up sometime, I have just got a ticket for a New River that holds 9lb+ Chub !!

Least that was what the secretary of the club told me :wh
