Chris Bishop


Budgie Burgess

I think that the work the new comittee has done all ready is great stuff.long time since Ive seen so much positive stuff from the PAC.Im definately rejoining when dosh allows.

Chris Bishop

That's really nice, thanks Budgie and everyone else. Not something I saw myself doing a year ago but there you are.

The Monk

well done with your new post Chris, I rarely fish for pike these days but still have found memories of the PAC back in the 70s after Barrie pulled things together from the old Pike Society days, I was the first Manchester Region Branch sec and was very privillaged through the PAC to meet some excellent anglers from other regions, John Sidley and Ronnie Pendleton to name but two

Kevin Ferguson

New member
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
I think the new committee is definately getting the message out there.
I for one will definately be joining, i have only started pike fishing the last couple of years, but looking at the website and with the new members area on the website, it seems like definately a place to learn.

Chris Bishop

Join up Kevin. It's brought me into contact with so many great people, a lot of whom have become good mates.

Bit like FM.

The more you get to interact with other people, the more you learn and the more enjoyment you get out of your fishing.

Davy North

I recently dropprd out of the PAC, nothing I may add to do with the club just sadly work and family life left no time to attend meetings or events.

I can say though the time I spent in our local region I made some good friends and learned a great deal.

I'd like to wish Chris and the new committee all the best for their time in charge.

paul williams 2

I was a young "know it all" at the very first formation meeting of the PAC, when Barrie Rickards and Eric Hodson moved the old Pike society into survival mode.......good to see people like Chris steering the way at last.

I like people i can disagree with and then laugh with......good luck Chris and all, i may have to rejoin if i get serious on my pike again!

The Monk

Paul, it was Eric Hodson who founded the Pike Socdiety in 1972, interestingly Peter Mohan was listed as secretary of the Pike Society in the early 70s, but Eric told me this was a mispint in one of the NASG publications, a few years later however Eric suffered ill health and Barrie took over the reins and re-formed the organisation under the heading of the PAC circa 1977 with Bill Chillingworth and Huge Renolds from memory, I still have all the original magazines

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA-Life Member)

Quite right mate.

Peter Mohan had blow all to do with pike.

Chris Bishop

Nick (Monk) we're hoping to do a 30th anniversary book, including some of the early stuff as the PAC celebrates its 30th birthday.

The Monk

Cheers, that would be great Chris, 30 years, good god that went fast

The Monk

for those people who don`t remember the early 70s, these were strange times in the growth of specialist angling, sadly many of the early groups had exclusive or limited membership which creasted a bit of one upmanship for those involved in those non-existant universities (to quote Walker), the PAC did what the Carp Society did to Peter Mohans organisations, they opened up the world to the sport realising that anglings strength lay in numbers and not limited membership groups. The PAC`s main learning was in pike conservation and preservation, enlightenment of the specie which had a lot of bad press in certain quarters, the PAC has achieve much in the time it has been around, it was the first pike anglers organisation for all pike anglers as the Carp Society was the first carpmans organisation. Fortunately the people who formed both of these movement had the political forsight to realise were anglings strengths lay and what the future dictated, they were about bringing like minded anglers together not segregating them into imagined social fantasies, these movements were open to all.

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA-Life Member)

Yes mate, the "Secret Seventies" as I heard them called, or the "Ultra-Cult" Era.

I missed those times in England, only being exposed on odd occasions to what was going when I visited the UK from SA on a holiday or business trip. Around 1970, I was invited to join the BCSG, togther with my old friend and ex-member of the Conventry Specimen Group - Don Wittich. We tried to institute the English style of carp fishing to that country, but other than small lakes, it didn't work.

By 1972 I was fishing long distance tight lined bolt rigs with heavy leads. And catching lots of carp.

Budgie Burgess

Yeagh the "Ultra Cult 70's" if it wasnt matt black then it wouldnt catch carp!

No harm there but the secretiveness got right on my tits! didnt mind genuine stuff it was all the plonkers starting to get into the scene that thought it gave them instant status bu being secretive to an unsociable and even rude level.I found the ones who tried to hide it the most had the least to hide in the first place!Carried along for some time through the "Carp Fever 80's" and into the "Stainless 90's" as well.Glad to see a lot of its gone to a degree by the "Instant 00's"!.Mind you no one to keep secrets from these days really as every one seems to carp fish! (and in exactly the same way to!!!)

Budgie Burgess

Ive just noticed that Mein Baz's avitar has seriously been interfered with! Superb! Baz stuff em mate I would give you a job baillifing any waters I owned.To much soft baillifing going on these days!

Getting back on subject (er what was it any way? Something about Baz being Chris Bishops estranged love child who was born after a short affair with Peter Mohan back in the 70's when they both belonged to some Cult which worshiped the carp god Ultra?) Er no that was it the PAC! Yes my PayPal account is now working again so Im going to toodle over to the site and spend this months hard suffered for DLA on a new membership!

Chris Bishop

Something about Baz being Chris Bishops estranged love child

I must have missed that bit Budgie but thrilled to bits you've rejoined.

Hope we get to meet up this season.

Budgie Burgess

Yes me to Chris.I doubt whether I will be up to attending the meeting at Leeds but hopefully theres going to be a Zander get together on the Avon that would be a good get together.