Christmas time.....


Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA-Life Member)

Just had a call from my son in Oz.

38 degress there at the moment - in Sydney!!

Phil Hackett HC/PCPL with Pride

Dear Mr Rocca as for bad manners there are few on here can sink to your level of hurling personal insults and abuse at individuals who happen to hold a different view for you.
Does the word ?Tosser? ring any bells with you, cause it should do, it was edited for your post on the other thread.

Such remarks remind me of the school playground and the bullies that thought they owned it.

Shut me up far from it!
Kevin made reference to the ?dark side,? the underbelly has a very dark side in my view.
Rather than put forward a resolution where all the members of the controlling club could benefit from it (with safeguards to stop any abuse of it), a select group go and blag it for themselves.

That in my view is the very dark side.


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
Reaction score
Well, a few are certainly proving Kevin's point.

Perhaps it's as well to remember that it always takes more than one to have an argument and that the best way to stop one is to ignore the bait.

Phil Hackett HC/PCPL with Pride

I think you'll find it was you who brough this over on this thread not me!

"I've edited this part out and transfered it to Kevin's new thread.

So,peace and love to everybody

Except, lefty shite stirrers and those trying to bugger up Londoners New Year celebrations."

Your word not mine!
I responed to you attempting to be sweetness and light and having a go.

Steve Spiller

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
How about Peace and Goodwill to all men?

C'mon guys give it a rest, or better still, take it off-line!
All of us, or most of us are e-mail enabled, so do it in private.

It's funny how a persons image changes, when you see them in a different light!

Steve King

Kevin, when you say "I enjoy(ed)FM for the sense of community spirit" I hope you do not mean that you are thinking of leaving FM.

One recent thread has already cost us one member.

I enjoy your contributions and hope you will stay.

I have a hatred of "political correctness" and have a robust sense of humour, however certain threads I believe have crossed the boundary.

Kevin Perkins

Steve, et al

I will just say that I have no issues with the general wind-ups,leg-pulling and put-downs that happen on FM, in fact, in my opinion, the site is all the better for it. And as the majority of rambling that I do is based on just those premises, I should be the last to complain!

Every one of the articles I send into to Graham is proffered with the tag of 'Article for Consideration' for two reasons.

Firstly, I have to hope that I have scraped together something which is deemed good enough to be put up on the site, and secondly, that what I have written will not unduly offend/outrage or upset anyone, to any great degree. Some anglers, as we know. have very thin skin, and I totally rely on Graham's experience when it comes to matters of angling etiquette.

Whilst some might see this s a form of censorship, to date, I can't recall anything I have submitted being rejected. That is because when I write the meanderings that pass as articles, I try to 'consider' how others might respond to what is written.

It is this consideration for others that appears to go out of the window with some of the forum postings/replies.

As already suggested, if you have issues with someone then perhaps it would be far better to take take your concerns on a personal level by email. If the writer has decided not to reveal their details, then you can fairly assume that they don't want to be contacted, and therefore they are not interested in entering such a discussion
- you can draw your own concusions!

FM was(is) one big happy family, there will always be arguements and disagreements, but let's try to make sure there aren't too many public 'divorces'

If you have issues with the running of your local club, then surely that needs to be discussed with those who can actually take some action. Talk to your club scretary and get the matter onto the agenda of the AGM and get it thrashed out by the members of the club involved. Most angling clubs tend to be run on 'traditional' lines and hold their AGM's towards the end of the season, and/or accounts year end i.e. March or April - that's only a couple of months!

Mark Wintle

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
Azide the Stour
Time to bring back the Magic!

(Kevin, don't sell yourself short! If Graham has published 140 of your articles (I think that's about right) you can't be doing much wrong)

Steve King

Well said indeed Kevin!

For my part I will try to avoid adding a reply to an offensive thread. I may however send an e-mail to the poster or posters with a copy to Graham.

I know that Graham does not want to have to play the heavy handed censor of threads, but unless we can regulate and restrain our postings then censorship will come. As Graham has indicated he will not have time to pick and sort through postings one by one, so whole threads could vanish!

Let's just stick to banter and wind-ups the heavy stuff and club's business should be kept off this site.

Happy New Year One and All!


140? Jeez, Kev your a living (FM)legend, still prefer your old photo tho kev, you remind me of kevin webster from coro in that one, makes me think am speakin to someone famous.

Kevin Perkins


Is it really around 140? No wonder my wrists ache...........


Living legend.......I suppose that is a compliment, and nice to know you think you are speaking to someone famous...far better than the real thing - trust me!

Wolfman Woody

"Is it really around 140? No wonder my wrists ache..........."

No Mr Perkins. That's thinking of Amanda, which brings me to another point about what a disappointing Christmas I've just spent.............

Mark Wintle

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
Azide the Stour

I did some adding up a couple of weeks ago; my total is around 125, another couple of book's worth....


125, is that all?

Bah. I take it (Living legend) back!

Still think you look like the corry fella tho!

Kevin Perkins


Mark says his total is around 125, apparently mine is approx 140, so do I still qualify for the (just about) Living Legend title?


As you must know, Amanda (and her two sisters) don't spend the winter months in this country, but prefer the slightly more clement climate of Barbados.

Her latest post card assures me she is topping up her tan (but leaving the necessary white bits, for contrast) but will be back soon, certainly for Valentines day, and she expects more than a Woolworth's card from you this year.......some cryptic message, perhaps....?

Nigel Connor(ACA ,SAA)

Might I propose that if someone is offended by a post then they take things up in private e-mail with the poster.

I did this recently and both of us cleared the air.

Responding on a thread usually only stirs things up further.

In direct response to Kevin, I think the recent bad blood has eminated from a few individuals on very limited issues.If there was a commitment from those concerned to sort those issues out privately then it would be better for all concerned.


Hmm, I thought Mark was talking about you with the meagre 125 (spits) figure, begrudgingly I will allow that status back if it is indeed 140, but only if.