Peter,do you know a guy called Peter Knight,he used to live across the water from the Mustad factory...
That sounds like the very same,he lived near Silkeborg for a few years,he was a womaniser of repute and I could tell you many a tale....
I was interested in the inclusion of the VMC hooks. That interest was piqued by the fact that I've not seen a VMC hook for sale since the early eighties and that the hooks shown look rather like Drennan Wide Gape Match, one of my favoured hook patterns. As a bonus, these VMCs are available in a barbless variant. I was interested enough to go searching for them online. Google didn't help much at all, but I eventually found them by searching through all of the online retailers I could think of. The retailer in question was Benwick Sports.
VMC hooks are still widely available across the channel...shops such as Terres & eaux & Pacific Peche often stock a resonable selection of them. They probably do mail order.
Dave, back in the 90's I fished for a Norwegian match team who were sponsored by Mustad (and Sensas) so once a year we were invited to their factory just outside Oslo and were allowed to wander the warehouse and take whatever we needed . . . Subsequently I had quite a stock of 90340's and small swivels etc.
The Redditch scale was employed in the uk for many years but when companies started importing hooks from the far east, et al, then the scale was ditched and hence hook sizes varied greatly between manufacturers.
Redditch was the centre in England where needles were made so it was almost a natural progression to move to hook making.
Goes for chub as well in my experience.Many people who fish for grayling don't realise that the best hooks are fine wire BARBLESS size 18s not thick wire barbed size 12 which fail to penetrate properly.