Coarse fishing a delightfull return


Kevin Nicholson

What a refreshing change. I love Sea Angling and have done for many years. I have seen it turn from a wonderful pastime to one of shame. Dead fish left on beaches, Piers closed because of anglers bahaviour etc.
Then you cam imagine my surprise when talked into trying course angling again to find how it has changed. Every angler I have met has been most helpful generous and more than happy to help a beginner to catch more fish. The barbless hooks and general care of fish is greatly improved since I last course fished. Unhooking mats, fish not being kept in keepnets for hours. My local river has had staging put in for anglers to use free of charge. I fished there on the last day of the season and had a good day (all free fishing). I enjoyed it so much I will be joining the local club soon.
Give yourselves a pat on the back the fishing is streets ahead of sea angling in sportsmanship, manners and fish care. Thank you and good luck to all the anglers i've met and those iv'e yet to enjoy a great sport with.

Carp Angler

Top bloke.

Welcome to the club.....
we all enjoy our fishing and everyones company
(well, except Sedge, coz he makes everyone blank)

Keith Banks

Hi Kevin.
I fish the Trent and Derwent and unfortunatly some weeks never see another angler, but when i do, nevermind what type if fishing they are doing, most will always have time for a chat.
Funny though, I do a spot of sea fishing, I went last weekend to Tramps Alley at Corton, and we were doing well untill a gale started blowing, but most anglers I meet when sea fishing always have the time of day, and will share their knowledge, perhaps it's because they see me as a novice and pose no threat.

Goog fishing.

Phil Husselbury

Welcome Home, Kevin.

Best of Luck for next season. You'll learn far more in these forums that you will in a 2 dimensional newspaper feature.

Kevin Nicholson

Thanks for the good wishes. I have already bettered my 2lb Mirror Carp to a 6lb on 2.9lb line and a 7lb on a local pond. My friend how I am lucky enough to have teaching me tells me I should use ground bait, but I've done ok without it so far prefering a handfull of maggots every now and then. Thanks for all the support i'm gonna need it to get the hang of these spade end hooks - (lol)even with a machine. (size 22 I dont think so!)but the hooks to nylon I bought keep getting into knots. Give me a 1/0 sea hook 15lb line and a Grinner knot anyday.
Thanks again and keep up the good work.