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In the light of the latest EA debacle regarding the river Lugg, does anyone here have anything good to say about the EA? Or are they just an utterly useless waste of time effort and money?
Why blame the EA for a deliberate act? Clearly the EA are hardly responsible for whoever did this, but my understanding is this action startd on the 26th Nov. If they cannot move faster than this (i.e. way too late) in a case involving a SSSI, why bother at all?Here's a link to a local newspaper about the incident on the River Lugg.
River Lugg destruction: Government agencies step in to investigate
NATURAL England, the Environment Agency and the Forestry Commission have joined forces to investigate the destruction of the riverbank along the…www.ledburyreporter.co.uk
It seems that the landowner had decided to dredge and clear the banks even though the length is a Site of Special Interest. Why blame the EA for a deliberate act.? The EA can't go on site and stop the work without first applying to the courts. And court procedures can take a long time.
Well yes, it is a bit OT! But an interesting issue nonetheless. Please start a different thread, where perhaps more sea/shore anglers might see it and respond?Sorry if this a bit off subject but it has similar veins to it-I think this is typical of Government/council democracy. I have for about two years been ...
You realise that's not a river level chart but a cross section of your river after their next flood prevention dredgingIn defence of the EA. I just used their info to decide whether to go fishing today!
(probably not!)View attachment 11934
You are joking of course? (I pray) Look at the scales, it updates every 6 posibbly every 3?) hours, it is a measure of the river level at that pointYou realise that's not a river level chart but a cross section of your river after their next flood prevention dredging
Opposite to you I still believe there should be a close season on all water, even commercials.I can't get past the close season still being place and anything positive I have to say regarding the EA is totally blighted by this issue.
Steve I guess you take a self enforced break for three month, whilst I have an EA enforced break from the river. Thankfully for me, the Trent and misery canal is still available for my fishing fix.
I can only hope my presence on the towpath doesn't disturb spawning fish, nesting birds and the flora and fauna, quite like it apparently was going to on the river bank.