FIN – Update on the Kennet Hatchery Project

Thomas Turner

Trade Member
Mar 22, 2017
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The Fish in Need (FIN) registered charity have made a generous donation to support the development of a hatchery project instigated by Reading & District Angling Association to help boost fish stocks in the River Kennet. Stocks have been devastated by the growing population of signal crayfish. These crayfish, counted in the millions, prey on gravel spawning species such as barbel, chub and dace before they reach the ‘free swimming’ stage of their development. The hatchery enables fish to be ‘grown on’ to the stage where they can be released into the river in a similar manner to the highly successful Avon Roach Project without the danger of crayfish predation.

This project fits ideally with the FIN mission “to revive, rescue and restore freshwater fish populations throughout the UK”.

Angling clubs come together to give the Kennet a fishing future


Even before DEFRA Minister Richard Benyon officially opened the groundbreaking new coarse fish hatchery on February 16th last year the response from local anglers and angling clubs had been magnificent. With running costs for feed, power and replacement parts now coming in at £6000 to £7000 and year it was obviously vital that the hatchery established a secure financial base. With support of the Kennet Valley Fisheries Association an appeal was sent out for project partners and donors and nearly all the angling clubs and fisheries along the Kennet Valley, including Newbury AA, Civil Service AS, Red Spinners AS, CALPAC, Thatcham AA, Reading Fishing Club and ARK, came enthusiastically on board with much needed contributions.


Individual donations from anglers have continued to flow in and this year Reading & District AA have included an optional donation form to the hatchery for members renewing their annual permits. This has proved successful and we hope some of our partner clubs might like to consider this option too on top of their very welcome annual donations.

It really has been inspiring to see anglers and angling clubs coming together in this way.


We at Thomas Turner have also been very impressed by this initiative and coupled with our long association with Reading where Michael Stratton ran his tackle shop, Thomas Turner, Reading for many years we have also made a donation.

Should you want to make a donation to the registered charity Fish in Need or have a suitable project for consideration please visit

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