Flooding effect on fish movement


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2012
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In winter, floods don't move fish around anywhere near as much as you might expect. The odd inquisitive carp might go for a wander if the water temperature is high enough, but that's about it. Sometimes a grouip of small fish might get stranded somewhere if the waters drop quite quickly. But in general, most fish hunker down somewhere and pretty much stay put.

However, it's a totally different story in summer. Summer floods are unusual, the water temperature is high, and fish are active. Most river fish won't go too far, and if they do go for an adventure in the flooded fields most will return to the river as it drops. But stillwater fish are very likely to go off on a proper adventure and could end up anywhere. In the 2007 summer floods there was huge scale fish movement around here, with carp being the most adventurous species.