Guardian says eat more coarse fish


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2010
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I have to confess to eating the odd coarse fish in the past as a boy while camping with my dad and brother. These where mainly small pike caught from wild scottish lochs. Very nice they where too wouldn't do it now. A few years back whilst livebaiting for perch with my older brother (who's a little less experienced) a nice perch around 1.5Ib was unfortunatly deep hooked and the humane thing to do was to dispatch the fish rather than return it where it was certain to die a slow death. I didn't want to waste it and decided to cook it as id heard that they make very good eating. Gutted it, stuffed some herbs and butter inside and backed it in a tinfoil parcel. When cooked i used the juice from cooking and mixed this with cream, lemon juice and white wine. Excellent :w.

I wouldnt make a habit of it but it was a nice one off treat. I have tried Nile Perch when out in France and this was very nice, i presume it was imported from Africa, probably goes some way to explaining why Nile Perch stocks are low if they are being targeted for overseas markets :confused:.

I've also tried Carp while travelling in the Czech Republic. This was OK from memory i think it was grilled with loads of garlic. Carp is a really popular dish out there, its the national Christmas dish. In the region of Tabor there are massive carp farms. They have various sized stock and stew ponds which they drain down and stock on a cyclic basis. Some of the stock ponds are massive. I've always fancied trying to fish some of the old abandond stock ponds in the rural areas i bet they hold some massive carp, oh well i can only dream :wh


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
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I tried my first Grayling before Christmas.:(:(:eek:

The local populations have nothing to fear from me,they'll all be going straight back where they came from.