Haunted Lakes


Ashe Hurst

Iwas night fishing on the river roding in essex a few yrs ago,it must have been 3 am, cold and misty.I got up out of my chair to get the flask of my uncle.
Whilst crouching next to him and makihg a brew, a woman in a night gown and slippers with a hand bag appeared and walked over to my swim.She then proceded to rummage through my tackle box.When i asked her what she was doing,she looked over at us and laughed,saying she was just being nosey.
She then slowly walked away back into the trees behind us, that was freekie.

ED (The ORIGINAL and REAL one)


That wasn't freekie.......

That was Wendy -----!!!

Gary Knowles

Nah, she's a northern girl - she'd have told Ashe to sod off and nicked his rig bits !!!

ED (The ORIGINAL and REAL one)

You are probably right Barney ....

Thats what the GE does to you isnt it .....rummages in your drawers ---I mean tackle box

Ashe Hurst

Ilearnt of another encounter tonite.
Iwas at me mates house talking fishy stuff and i mentioned about spooky things.

He says that about 15 yrs ago he and a friend were night fishing on the river cray at footscray meadows in kent.
He was woken by his mate who had left the bivie for a call of nature, rantting on about a white horse pulling a cart.
On looking out of the bivie he did see something that he says made him go ice cold and the hair on the back of his neck stick up.
He told his mate "to never, ever do that to me again,leave me to sleep through it
or ill do something nasty to you".

As it happend ,his mate refused to night fish there ever again.

Wendy Perry

yeah if that'd been me Eddie i would have put the kettle on as well :eek:)

David Tovey

An old friend of mine had a right scare while fishing the Monmouthshire canal.
Got snagged on what seemed to be an old bundle of rags. After eventually getting it to the bank, the bundle rolled over and turned out to be an old tramp. !!!
The police and ambulance services were called and made such a comotion that he never caught another thing all afternoon from the swim!!!
The moral of his tale was if you find a floater in your swim, wait until you`ve finished fishing before you call the law. !!!

Rob Brownfield

Arrrrgh...I went fishing today at a rather beautiful loch for Pike. Nothing unusual about that. However, I was told about a Celtic Cross that was near to the lochside. I had never seen it before, although i knew it existed.....

Anyway, i decided to look for it, and lo and behold it was only about 40 yards from where I was fishing. I decided to have a walk over and take some pictures etc and set off up the wee hill that takes you up to it. As I approached, I got this "electric" feeling running through my body. It was amazing. I have never felt anything like it before. I stood infront of the stone (the cross is carved into it, about 7 feet tall) and just stared. My body was tingly, the hair on my neck stood on endand I just felt "enegy" all around.

Now, I know some of u must be thinking "nutter"..or "Robs been at the Ultrabite again"...but this was such a strange experience...i cant explain it.

Wendy Perry

wow Rob that's weird i would have been scared to death was you on your own ??

And did you catch any pike :eek:)

ED (The ORIGINAL and REAL one)

Rob -
Its a known fact that these stones and crosses are supposed to mark 'ley lines'
which they say are sources of cosmic energy.

I dont know how true this is ......but who knows ??

scary isn't it ?

Rob Brownfield

Wendy, I was on my own..and..i know this is going to sound crap...but..as I turned away from the Stone, my float dissapeared and i landed a small Jack. I then did not have a run for 3 hours...so i went back to the stone...same feeling...walked back to the rods...and bang...run on two at once!!

Eddie...I am quite sensitive to the paranormal...but i have never had that feeling before....there are many Celtic and Pictish stones around this area...but that was a spooky experience.

Austin Buchan

There's a story about a cheshire mere that
supposedly has a great big bell appear in the middle of it every New Year, never heard it tho, or seen it either.