How did you get on?

John Aston

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2007
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A lovely day grayling fishing . It felt like a hint of spring with a soft wind, a brighter sky and - deep joy - the first wild garlic of the spring pushing through. This beat of the Rye , high in the North York Moors above Rievaulx , involved a mile walk to the top and it felt much longer in chest waders . Not a footprint on the bank and given the high levels we've endured for months , I suspect nobody had fished there since September .

We can only use worm or fly and I opted for the former, using a Harrison 12ft Gti and a pin with 6lb line and 5 lb hooklength (the chance of big fish in small , snaggy pools, 30 yard glides and strong currents make light line risky ) .

After a gorgeous wild brown pushing 2lbs I managed 9 grayling in all, mainly 12oz -1 lb and with one lump of 1-14 which pulled like a horse .Unlike my last trip , where 6 grayling of the 15 hooked fell off, I didn't lose a fish . Funny old game .

Winter fishing can be slow , dull, uncomfortable and cold. But yesterday was a joy .

ETA - brain fade , I had 6 grayling , not 9 - that was the previous trip. Still a lovely day.
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ian g

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
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North Shropshire
Fished the Severn below Shrewsbury on Sunday , I had arranged to meet my fishing mate on a stretch were he had caught well on lures when the level was right, luckily it was right on Sunday . I arrived around 11 o’clock to find he already had a nice perch 2lb plus in his landing net . Conditions looked great apart from a blustery wind . I set up my 15ft float rod and a large fixed chubber float . The wind and depth of water made this bit impractical so I swapped over to a slider float , my mate continued to catch as I set up and soon had a couple more perch in the same sort of range . I hadn’t caught a decent perch for a while so was desperate to get going , I had a tip rod set up in my rod case so put on a smallish leger and a lobworm and cast to the edge of the crease . The water looked almost still on the inside of the bend we had chosen . It wasn’t long before both baits were in the water both baited with lobworms . Not long to wait and the tip rod is bouncing , I lift into a decent perch around 2 1/2lb , then five minutes later another . This continues for the next couple of hours , bites on the tip are quite gentle and result in good scraps with some decent perch almost all over 2 lb . I also had the heart stopper , a 5lb bream which in the flow in deep water convinced me it was a huge perch for a minute , I’ve caught plenty of these bream on light tackle in the Severn fishing worm , they get me thinking huge perch every time . I had a few decent perch on the float though it was tricky with quite a strong flow in the back eddy and also a couple of hairy moments with double hook ups . I managed to loose a few fish but by 5 o’clock I had managed 22 perch and a bream with only 2 of the perch below a pound in weight and the majority over 2 lb . We weighed a few of the contenders the best going 2.15 lb . I have struggled all winter on the Severn but yesterday was a real red letter day , great weather , great company and great fishing , doesn’t get much better


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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With some ridiculous temperature forecast,13c, I thought I'd go for a barbel. I know the water temperature lags some way behind, but I was also curious to see what the storms and floods had done. It wasn't a pretty sight and the banks were a mud-slide. I needed a rope and a dog-spike to get near the water.


The forecast drizzle turned into a steady rain which added to the joy. I started fishing unusually early for me, after 10am, and by 12 noon I'd joined what Roy Keane called the prawn sandwich brigade. The fishing was bleak, and nothing had sniffed at my feedered smelly meat or double lobworm, but it still beat watching Man U. Top tip: eat less sewage with your lunch; pinch a few pairs of those throw-away gloves at the petrol pump


I was at the if-I-don't-get-a-bite-I'm-off stage when the tip bounced and this barbel saved the day and gave me permission to pack it in. Thanks, barbel.



Well-known member
Aug 20, 2021
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went to the kippax park fishery today and fished lapwing lake peg 27,first visit here and ended up with 19 roach and 6 perch.all these caught on the pole with maggots.set up leger rod and fished with prawns mussels robin red luncheon meat and garlic sausage but not a single touch.£12 if youre using 2 rods and there is an envelope payment system in place.rained all day and quite heavy at times.long time since i've had my brolly up all day.nice looking lake and am planning another visit in the spring/summer when i'm sure the carp will come out to play. ;)

Woofy Chivers

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2023
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Peasedown St. John, Bath
I made the most of 12 deg today and fished a little farm pond half a mile along the lane from where I live. It’s only the size of a tennis court and I’ve never seen anybody else fish it. It’s tucked away so I don’t think many people know it’s there. I used a ten foot split cane Avon that my mate Rog McCourtney ( owner of Peregrine rods ) restored for me. He had done an amazing job of it , so good in fact that I was lost for words when I picked it up. It was hard to believe it was the same rod that I had given him. I fished a waggler , 4 lb line and a size 14 hook with red worms from my wormery as bait. In 2 hrs I had 6 prettiest golden commans around 3 - 4 lb and to my amazement 2 bright orange goldfish ! about half a lb each.
To top a lovely couple of hrs off I watched a Red Kite that kept circling around the pond really low which was a real treat.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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Only had the afternoon to play with, so I stayed local. I was blanking in style in some lovely swims


Couldn't get a bite, so I walked half a mile to a stretch with 5 bridges in 100m. Fish like bridges?


No. They don't. Back to the car park for a last chance. It's hard to find spots where you can avoid spooking the fish on here, so I resorted to fishing around the corner.


Old and a bit battered, like myself, but another case of thanks, now I can go home.


Ray Roberts

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Feb 12, 2008
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Eltham, SE London
I had a trip to the Rother in Kent today. The plan was to fish near the entrance of the fishery for perch for a couple of hours. When I got there the level was pretty low. As I was next to a pumping station and there was a guy from the EA working there, I asked him what he had done with all of the bloody water. He said that they were dropping it to its winter level to prevent flooding. Just then a lady pulled up next to my car and proceeded to disrobe for a bit of free swimming. Bugger right by the bridge where I wanted to go perching. I told her I thought she was nuts and she replied that at least she would be home in half an hour while I was in the cold for the entire day. She had a point I suppose. Anyway it must have been invigorating because when she got out of the river they were sticking out like Chapel hat pegs. The river was flowing fairly hard and was quite coloured, which I wasn’t really expecting.

I had a cunning plan which involved splitting my gear in two, so I didn’t have to lug it all with me. It’s a fair walk from one end to the other.

Not a touch for the perch which I put down to the lack of clarity rather than the swimmer. I put the light gear back in the car and worked my way along the river. Only one bite and it was a Jack around 7lb. At least I didn’t get a third consecutive blank.
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jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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On Sunday after a very productive work party on one of our ponds, I went to fish the SUC with the lure rod, seeing as I was already on the dark side (Wirral). Having wrapped up for the forecast cold & slightly wet weather, the sun came out with avengance. My Seeland jacket is great when it's really cold... when the sun is cracking the flags, not so much! The water was quite coloured and I was running into quite a lot of weed but I did have a couple of small Jacks to save yet another blank!

Yesterday, I fancied trying a different venue - it occurred to me recently that it must be well over 30 years since I fished any of Liverpools many park lakes, all of which are free. Stanley Park is the closest so I set off after lunch only remembering when I saw the endless, yellow 'no waiting' cones, that there was a match on that evening🤦. Plan B was Greenbank, a smaller park, but one of my favourites albeit on the other side of the city. I was en route, which took me past Newsham Park, one that I'd never been to before, let alone fished, so spur of the moment thing, I parked up.

There are actually two lakes within this one - I started working my way around the nearest end of the larger & was pulling in weed pretty much every cast - not loads, but enough to impede the action of the crank that I was using so when I encountered the smaller lake I switched over. Not AS weedy, but still a fair bit, I persevered for 20 minutes, only to be told by a slightly dodgy looking (but friendly) 'local' cycling by that "there's no Pike in 'ere lad, you need to fish the big lake." So I switched back but to a different, more promising looking spot & was rewarded with a lovely looking Jack of about 4lb on my second cast.

That, however, was as good as it got having just about got around the lake before the heavens opened - pretty sure that I'll give it another go at some point though.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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I couldn't face any more fishing for one bite so I spent the afternoon where I spent last Friday afternoon, at the marina. Given what the river banks are like at this time of year, it's a pleasure to fish off a level concrete bank, especially when it 13c and sunny


The last lot of hemp I bought was disappointingly small and didn't catapult well, and the wind blew from all directions, so I ended up feeding a fair-sized patch of water. Still, roach like swimming around to feed, don't they? I wasn't the only one enjoying the mild weather and the roach were on the tares from the outset, taking them anywhere from half depth to the full 12'. A light float fished as a slider, is ideal, and I pinched the idea of this flexible set-up donkey's years ago from Manchester anglers fishing the deep River Weaver in Cheshire.



I'm always torn, on this water, between fishing seed baits for roach, which won't catch perch, and fishing maggot and caster, which can get some lovely perch but only the smaller roach. I dabbled a bit with maggot and worm hoping for perch, but it was one of those days when the roach are first to any bait. Not that I'm complaining.



Well-known member
Feb 10, 2012
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I've done ok in January this year, only one blank. From the upper reaches of a small river I've had 5 carp to 11lbs 3ozs which I guess were from nearby flooded lakes. Struggled on the K&A canal, the water is incredibly clear due to no boats due to locks being closed for maintenance work - the boats are a pain but they do colour up the water! Had some reasonable roach and dace, a few gudgeon and even a minnow! Several carp to 15lbs and some roach and rudd from club lakes.

Today I intended to fish the Kennet only to find the car park totally flooded so drove on and fished the Thames, only had one bite but that was from a 6lbs 1oz chub so well pleased. Water temperature of Thames was 45F.

ian g

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
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North Shropshire

Back to the same stretch of the Severn as Sunday . The river had dropped around a metre and looked completely different . Fished lobworm on a tip rod and and under a float . Bites on the float from the start though slower on the tip . I managed 16 perch during the afternoon , missed a few bites and bumped a few . This was the sixteenth and biggest perch 3.4 my best for a couple of seasons . Fishing is weird , I have caught 38 perch in two sessions , as many as the last two winters , hence the smile
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no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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View attachment 29288
Back to the same stretch of the Severn as Sunday . The river had dropped around a metre and looked completely different . Fished lobworm on a tip rod and and under a float . Bites on the float from the start though slower on the tip . I managed 16 perch during the afternoon , missed a few bites and bumped a few . This was the sixteenth and biggest perch 3.4 my best for a couple of seasons . Fishing is weird , I have caught 38 perch in two sessions , as many as the last two winters , hence the smile
That's a cracker, as someone who doesn't fish for perch I can still appreciate that fish, well done.


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2019
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Isle of Onamower
First session of the year (shame on me!) and it wouldn't have made the thread had it not been something I've been trying to get on for the best part of a year.

My own small stream adventure...


The plan, if you can call it one, was to travel light and fish as many likely looking spots as possible with a tub of worms for bait as, being that this was the first time I've wet a line in this tiny river, I thought it might give me a reasonable insight as to what it holds in these upper parts.

To say I enjoyed it is an understatement, so many likely looking runs...


I was relieved to see the first tremble on the 1/2 oz glass tip if only to know I wasn't on a fool's errand and shortly after I had a small but beautiful, buttery flanked brownie.

Being such a tiny river I reckoned it was a catch and move situation and so I explored further downstream and caught more and slightly bigger brownies, they weren't the intended species and I'd wondered if the river held them...


My missus actually owns the land on the far bank and holds the riparian rights but I wanted to explore further which meant fishing the bank I was on and shortly after another move I came across a lovely, steadier stretch of river. I'd had a few unintended brownies by this time and was beginning to fear a 'Trout out' when I settled into this 'Chubby' looking glide and what a backdrop...


And so came my reward, not in the form of Mr Chub but...


Over the moon!

Probably nothing more than a decent Roach on any other venue but it looked huge as it glided towards the net on such a small river.

To top things off I took several more Roach of a similar stamp from the same swim albeit with patient waits between bites along with what I suspect could've been a bumped Chub and, temperature and forecast permitting, i'll be returning next weekend with the trotting gear which I really do think will do the business.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
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Due to a bad cold I was gutted to miss out on Monday as the conditions would have been spot-on. It was an overcast mild day with a nice S wind. Feeling much better I went on Thursday but the conditions had changed there was a slight frost in Hertfordshire and the day dawned bright and sunny. I fished the local small stream with Dace and Roach in mind it was quiet so I was able to fish the area of my choice. I caught plenty of chub on the light quiver set up couple of dace and a roach. Although the swim was tight for a 13ft float rod I tried out my recently acquired Carbonactive which I brought for a good price from a mates brother who is packing up fishing. It was nice to trot a float on the Carbonactive although the conditions weren't great I did manage to catch a couple of reasonable chub it is certainly a decent rod. My mate who set up his stall for barbel had the catch of the day. He managed to hook a complete rod and reel which after a bit of hassle i managed to net the rod and reel. I understand from the bailiff that several anglers have lost the lot it certainly is a stark reminder not to leave rods unattended even for a second. All in all it was a pleasant day and the fresh air certainly helped my cold and mood as I was getting cabin fever being stuck around the house. The sunset at the end of the day was stunning

jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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Decided to scratch my Stanley Park itch this afternoon, with LFC away today and EFC having played yesterday, this time there was parking a-plenty. The water was very clear and the lake bed is lined with what I can only describe as weapons grade chicken mesh, so no scraping the deck type lures today. It was certainly popular, there must have been well over a dozen carpers, inevitably occupying some of the suitable looking swims, but there was still plenty to go at.

In short, just the one jack of maybe 5lb which absolutely engulfed the 10cm crank I was on. The perils of a slow retreive trying to keep the lure off the bottom - I ended up cutting one of the trebles; even though the barbs were crushed down, it was going to be too awkward / take too long to unhook. Despite the blustery conditions, I enjoyed a couple of hours spent in arguably our most famous park - no doubt I'll be back at some point.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2021
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hard session today.went to murphys at thorganby on the outskirts of york (snake lake).persistent light rain and breezy at times.finished up with 15 roach on the pole with maggots.not a touch on leger rod.tried mussel prawn bread and luncheon meat.even the bites on maggots and corn on the pole died off.nice fishery this very peaceful and in the countryside.seeing a barn owl sat on the fence as i entered the fishery a real highlight. ;)

ian g

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
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North Shropshire
Back on the Severn this morning , it would be rude not to . I had to wait for Total Angling to open at 10 o'clock to get some lobworms . Arrived at the layby to meet a guy just comimng on , after pike . I headed upstream and settled in my original swim , looked alot different to last weekend with the level well down . I had the tip rod already set up so out that went . Weather was blustery with a strong breeze in my face . I fished a big bolo float overshoot downstream to the bush . Bite straight away and a 1.5 perch in the net , the windy was tricky and my next cast didn't go where I wanted . I lifted the rod to recatch and was attached to another perch , a better fish 2.8 , followed in quick sucession by 3 more around the same size . There was a lull in the fishing but I managed another decent perch on the tip about twenty minutes later . The wind was really making things tricky and bites dried up so around 1 o'clock I moved upstream to Friday's swim . Slow here and the wind made float fishing hard , swapped the tip rig about for a drilled bullet and put the float rod to one side , I managed a couple of perch around 2 pound . I wanted to float fish so rigged a 6 gram pole float and went in again , casting the tip rod slightly upstream , float disappears almost straight away and I am attached to a decent perch 3.2 , I ask my new fishing mate who is fishing upstream to do a photo as I turn back the tip rod is going over , unfortunately it puts me in a snag resulting in my first lost fish of the day . Cast in again and I get another perch around 12 oz . Lost another on the tip to the same snag . Called it a day at 5 o'clock . Really enjoyed today , challenging conditions , had to work a bit harder.

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