It was Nottskev who put me onto the idea......
He'd found some old, (mushy, I think he called them) 'past their best' tares in his freezer and promptly went out and caught some roach on them, and being one who stores such information (always the odd good tip or two on HDYGO thread) I raked around in my freezer and found a bag of the same, in pretty good order.
I looked upon this bounty as a 'give them a try when the days warms to the promised 13 degrees' sort of thing, but after an hour of flogging maggots to death, I changed to a set-up more suited to tare fishing and with hemp accompaniment and rod rests cleared away, I set about some under the rod tip tare fishing. Expecting a Nottkev type response I held the rod and was soon into a nice rhythm of sprinkling a few grains and casting over the top.
Nothing for 20 minutes or so, but then the float dipped once and my whipcord reactions found me attached, not to a roach but a bl**dy carp of some 3lbs. Just a passing fish thought I, but not the case as some 15 minutes later I had a repeat performance and yet another carp, this time one of about 5lbs, which again managed to ruin a perfectly good hook length! I won't wax lyrical again so suffice to say I was blessed with yet another, even bigger fish, which was more frisky and took an age to land.
That was it..........
I continues to flog the tares at all levels and in different parts of the swim to no avail for another 2 hours, before changing bait and doing the same. Still nothing.....
Around noon my back started to ache (it didn't need the effort taken to lift the carp from the water!) so with heavy heart I headed off home to lick my wounds. A lovely day that didn't reach the 13 degrees but my friendly robin enjoyed the continual flow maggots, so not a wasted trip.
Nice idea Nottskev, but the mushy tares didn't work for me today, roach wise. Howeve,r I think they have promise and all being well (like, if I can walk!!) they will get another outing tomorrow morning. Surely the roach will start to feed soon
Good to be out in the fresh air, with not another angler in sight - bliss..