Awake at 4pm for another trip to my Tench water where I arrived at 6—40 am where the long trek to my chosen swim seemed a little quicker today, maybe on account of getting the balence of my trolley just right.
The wind was coming from the south and with no sun and dull it seemed that conditions were as good as I've experienced since my first time on the water.
A thin scattering of cereal gb mixed with casters, corn and red maggots thro a home made feeder completed the feeding programme until a top up was reqd later in the day.
All done my baited hooks were dropped into position of left and right , that done it was simply down to the fish.
I only waited some twenty minutes for the first Tench, a male, and a nice one, maybe a littke less than four lbs but a real bulldog of a fighter.
Two more an hour later, a low five the best then a big disturbance from a group of tufties had me bereft of bites (and my GB on the lake bed) so I had no choice but to top up the feed in the swim.
It seemed to work as another Tench came my way falling to the worm, corn and fed maggot cocktail.
A friend was on the opposite bank and he rang me saying his swim had died after four decant fish.
It mirrored mine as it happened as two hours had gone by since my last Tench so I topped things up in the hope it would liven things into action .
In the last hour I had two line bites and a solid bite that had me connected to a nice fish that came adrift well out in the baited area then just as I slid the net under a nice Tench the other rod came came to life giving me another duo of Tench that signalled my time was up.
Time for the long walk back.
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