Once again I've had the best job of all considering the weather, namely clearing out the other of the two greenside pools that we have on one of the courses and this one is choked with reeds and rushes.
A bit unnerving at times considering it's a par 3 and several balls came crashing in around me straight off the tee
I'm not as daft as I look and I was wearing my chainsaw helmet and I reckon it's nothing more that a bruise if one clocks me anywhere else.
Lovely job to be doing in this weather though, I even had a couple of nice catches...
Tomorrow is set to be the peak for temperatures around here so we're going for a 5am start and 1pm finish, I've got two more days in the pool so I'm happy enough
I'll try and get some before and after pictures tomorrow and Friday, plus of course any specimen Gudgeon that happen along.
Yours Sincerely...
Gudgeon Magnet.
A bit unnerving at times considering it's a par 3 and several balls came crashing in around me straight off the tee
I'm not as daft as I look and I was wearing my chainsaw helmet and I reckon it's nothing more that a bruise if one clocks me anywhere else.
Lovely job to be doing in this weather though, I even had a couple of nice catches...

Tomorrow is set to be the peak for temperatures around here so we're going for a 5am start and 1pm finish, I've got two more days in the pool so I'm happy enough
I'll try and get some before and after pictures tomorrow and Friday, plus of course any specimen Gudgeon that happen along.
Yours Sincerely...
Gudgeon Magnet.