They are common over here and as Mark says, they are referred to by the same name as crucians, i.e carassins. I'm not convinced about the erroneous purchase of gibels is the whole picture though. If you go back a couple of hundred years and read the books on British fish species it is obvious that gibels, prussian carp and crucians were mis identified by the experts of the day right back to the mid 1800's. The scale and ray counts are all over the place. It is only with the advancement of DNA testing that we now are aware of the distributions of the various species and their hybrids. Philip caught a common x gibel a few months back in France and I have seen a letter from the 18th century that discusses the common x crucian hybrid, or mule as it was termed in fish farming in Germany.
Whilst technically they aren't crucians, they bite like crucians, fight like crucians and are for all intents and purposes as nice a quarry to catch as crucians. I'm happy to live with that.
I would love to hear Mike's suggestions on how the EA could eradicate all the many non indiginous species that are present in the UK.