Purely for Pleasure


Stewart Bloor

Another good article Dai. Agree, from experience, that dawn, dusk and the hours of darkness are more productive as far as specimen fish are concerned. In fact, as my current target water is just 3 miles away, I don't bother arriving until 6.00pm, then I'm away again at 9.00am in the morning.
On to Purely For Pleasure...you do had quite a good grasp of the English language considering it's not your mother tongue...or do you work through a translator?.....Bore da, Taffy....

Rob Brownfield

I think it is fair to say that fishing under the cover of darkness throws up more fish as it gives me the chance to use more productive methods such as ripping, poisoning and explosives. ..hehe

Carp Angler

I believe one of the first discussion threads I joined in on this site was about fishing into darkness and why anglers do it.

Some venues respond well in darkness, others don't.
On one particular carp water near me, about 3 or 4 carp a year are caught at night.
Compared to several hundred caught during the day.

The carpers still fish all night though, this is primarily down to laziness because they can't be bothered to pack up.


New member
Aug 27, 2005
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"you do had quite a good grasp of the English language considering it's not your mother tongue"

I'll correct your grammar for you Sedge - it's 'you do have', not had.

But being as you are from Birmingham, the city that has done as much for the Enlish language as most of America (i.e. ruin it), you couldn't possibly know how to speak or write the Queens English quite like a southerner. Like wot I is.


Dave Johnson

My local stretch of the Dove generally runs crystal clear during summer and its only normally the chub that will play in daylight, however, if you have primed a peg with hemp and caster prior to dusk and then start fishing-its a different ballgame!
Last year my wife was going barmy over my 'couple of hours' after work sessions. Getting to the river for 6pm and fishing til 10 ish with a two mile, half hour walk and half hour drive home for elevenish, was going to twelve, one and and one occassion I fished til nearly half three!
Bearing in mind I am up for work at 6am!!!!
You know what its like when they are on and its 'one last cast'-you have had several fish to 9lb and are confident of a bigger one.......
talk about drowsy afternoon meetings at work.....

Andrew Miller

There is nothing better than getting up at 4am in the summer and going fishing. Everything feel fresh and best of all there is hardly anyone else around. The hardest part is packing up about 8ish to try and get to work on time.Many times I failed and I am only about 15mins from work!!

John Tait

"My local stretch of the Dove generally runs crystal clear during summer and its only normally the chub that will play in daylight, however, if you have primed a peg with hemp and caster prior to dusk and then start fishing-its a different ballgame"

Dave, MY local stretch of the Dove ( PAAS at Doveridge) also runs clear - and even the chub won't play ball in daylight !! - I don't really know why, but I have the feeling that it is due to the extensive bankside clearance work which has been done in the past - there ain't much left on most of the stretch in the way of cover.

Even at night, it can be one heck of a struggle for anything other than the chub - but I still carry on going.


John Tait

"There is nothing better than getting up at 4am in the summer and going fishing. Everything feel fresh and best of all there is hardly anyone else around. The hardest part is packing up about 8ish to try and get to work on time.Many times I failed and I am only about 15mins from work"

I would love to be able to do that, but I live a minimum of 70 minutes travelling time from work, which is in the opposite direction to any of the waters I have access to which offer a reasonable chance of success on such a short session - and they are 30 minutes away !! - so that's a total travelling time of 1 hour and 40 minutes. I'd no sooner be there, than I'd have to leave !!

The answer has to be to give up work !!


john conway

I agree with everything said. My summer routine, because of dogs to walk during mid-week mornings, is to fish late evenings mid week except Friday when it’s early to bed and up at three to get to the river/canal by 04:00hrs. Saturday morning. If I’m quiet at work on the project front then I may take a day’s holiday and fish form dawn till dusk. In the winter it’s more or less the same regarding evenings but I don’t have to get up as early for the morning sessions or not at all if it’s very cold, it’s generally mid-day to evenings then. One other advantage about very early mornings, especially if your river or canal can be plagued by noisy youngsters, mountain bikers, walkers or drunks on their way home from the pup, canal fishing near the town, is that the piss heads don’t get up till mid-day and there’s less chance of your car being broken into. I fish on my own at night on the river and canal and somehow the more remote the venue the safer I feel, which may seem a bit odd?


New member
Aug 27, 2005
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"The answer has to be to give up work !!"

Oh if only, Jonty.........

A big lottery win wouldn't go amiss. I'd just walk in to work, hang a 'Gone Fishin' sign over my desk with my resignation written on the back and walk back out!

Mark Tullett

We could all be like Sedge and not have to get to work 'til 10am...........was this a misprint?
Got it!.......the time is to dry your clothes out !

John Tait

"The answer has to be to give up work !!"

Oh if only, Jonty.........

A big lottery win wouldn't go amiss. I'd just walk in to work, hang a 'Gone Fishin' sign over my desk with my resignation written on the back and walk back out!

Dave - I'd ring in !! - and they'd have to come and fetch the company car as well !!


william kirkwood

you all fish at night because the majority of you
just sit behind a desk all day,thats not workingin my book.


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
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Well, your book isn't very good then Bill, because I sit behind a desk all day, and I've done a bit of manual labour in my time as well, and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that sitting behind a desk using your mind instead of your muscle knackers you a damn sight more.

Follow eight hours or more of hard graft with a shovel and a good, hot bath sorts you out. It takes more than a hot bath to make you switch off eight hours of deep thinking, believe me.

Take it from somebody who's done both.

Paul Williams

How old are you? have you ever worked? i have a feeling you may be in for a shock someday mate.

Stewart Bloor

Stop picking on him Brummie...he's probably a Minister ...They only work one day a week as it is you know... don't give them a hard time and them feel guilty...

Paul Williams

I'm not talking to you!!!!....untill you send me that phone number!!
One day a week? put an extra 24hrs on you have they then? i should get the union in mate!! how dare they!! why even the man himself said we should rest on the sabbath!

Stewart Bloor

Don't worry once I find that water you're keeping from me, I'll be fishing 7 days a week instead of 6....In fact, being as you're playing difficult, I've hired a private detective to follow you...just look through the window right now...see that Reliant Robin parked over the road...well, being as I only work 1 day a week, I couldn't afford a Bergerac...ended up with a Columbo...