river Idle story

John Ledger (ACA)

New member
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
If you walk up the river you end up at Misson which used to be one of the best areas for big roach on the Idle,unfortunately you can no longer fish it.
The estates company which owned or rented the land said anglers where leaving too much litter which amounted to a burnt out car ,washing machine ,fridge and a sofa.
The mind boggles,i carry some tackle but not that much


I think i could drag myself away from the Fens for a day to have a bash and banter!!

Although it would have to be after xmas for me, as from now till then its my worst time of year at work.

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA)

I remember fishing with John at Mission some years ago. We noticed in one of the swims an Asda bag full of angler's rubbish tied up ever so neatly and hung in a tree.

paul williams 2

Gimp master indeed!!.........you gotta send Wendy that pic Wol.

Just want to say what a great days fishing this was.......a real fun day, sometimes its nice to chill out away from the serious stuff but still catch a few.........size aint everything is it!

Which Wol is what Wend is demonstrating with her thumb and first finger in pic 16 dohhhhhh ;(

Sean Meeghan

Sorry about the delay Matt been busy. There's a long tree lined stretch and then it opens out again. One or two big reed beds and some areas with lots of marginal weed which I couldn't fish over with my short lure rod. Should have taken my deadbait rod as it looked really good in parts. Looks the part for some excellent pike fishing.