River Lea



I hope you realise what youve just done Ginger that Barbara is....................

Alan Tyler

Well-known member
May 2, 2003
Reaction score
Barnet, S.Herts/N. London
"ive got the bits between stanborough and hertford but my doc says it will go away in a few days"

"so youve got some hitchin"

- spray the affected parts with Flitwick.

John McLaren

Fished the stretch at Stanborough Park yesterday afternoon. Being a bank holiday the lake was very busy with anglers and a fair number were fishing the river whilst hundreds of people were walking the path between the two waters to and from the FUN FAIR!!!!.

No chance of swim hopping but I found what looked a promising spot and settled down to feed pellets then introduced my hookbait - nods and rattles from the off but it took about 45 minutes before I hit a fish - chub of about 8oz. Finished up with two of those, two more chub of 2-3lb and two bream to about 3lb. Had to be off at sunset - which probably stretched a fair way but just as I stood up to start packing the rod hooped around and a much bigger fish shot across the river to embed my hook in the rushes - barbel or carp maybe (or maybe one of those monster gudgeon!)

Thanks to all for the info given.