Geoff Cowen
Section of Fishery or river stretch: Swale.
Date: 25/06/2002
Time fished: 2pm - 10pm.
Weather conditions: Sunny and windy.
Water conditions: Water level dropping some colour.
Water Temperature: Not taken.
Bait: Maggot / Corn / Meat.
Method: Feeder.
Results: 1.5 lb Perch ands some bits.
Brief description of the session and any remarks: Stretch fished badly due to high wind. One smash take as wind dropped at 8pm, fish lost.
Date: 25/06/2002
Time fished: 2pm - 10pm.
Weather conditions: Sunny and windy.
Water conditions: Water level dropping some colour.
Water Temperature: Not taken.
Bait: Maggot / Corn / Meat.
Method: Feeder.
Results: 1.5 lb Perch ands some bits.
Brief description of the session and any remarks: Stretch fished badly due to high wind. One smash take as wind dropped at 8pm, fish lost.