Barrie Spence
Section of Fishery or river stretch: Holme
Date:17th July 2003
Day Ticket/Club/Private: M'bro AC
Time fished: 19:00 to 22:00
Weather conditions: Warm/Humid T Storms.
Water conditions: Clear Steady Flow
Water Temperature:not taken
Bait: hemp, meat
Method: Pre-baited swims with hemp, left them to settle then fished.
Results: 1 chub 4lb
Brief description of the session and any remarks: Very humid started to rain heavy late in session.
Date:17th July 2003
Day Ticket/Club/Private: M'bro AC
Time fished: 19:00 to 22:00
Weather conditions: Warm/Humid T Storms.
Water conditions: Clear Steady Flow
Water Temperature:not taken
Bait: hemp, meat
Method: Pre-baited swims with hemp, left them to settle then fished.
Results: 1 chub 4lb
Brief description of the session and any remarks: Very humid started to rain heavy late in session.