I put a small shot about 5 or 6ft above my bulk shot so the float hangs there when casting a slider in deep water or a distance, stops it all tangling.
The other thing is getting your stop knot right, if the tabs are too long they can get wrapped around a ring when you cast, too short and they can snag a ring especially the top ring, somewhere between about 1-3 inches possibly because it depends on the line you use for the knot and type/size of rings etc. Better to start with long tabs because you can always cut them back a bit if they start to wrap or look like or feel like they are going to, you can tell sometimes by listening to them going through the rings when you cast if you got it right or wrong..
I have put larger rings on a rod before to adapt it for slider fishing especially the end ring, there is no point to those tiny rings anyway. I used to fish the slider a lot on a reservoir, I use to like to get to the bottom edge of a shelf that was about 15ft deep about 30 yds. out, fish used to patrol it, definitely upped my catches once I got it all sorted out.