Specimen Bream Kill


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2006
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About 20 odd years at one of my angling clubs we had to investigate a speight of overnight bream deaths at one of our very prolific waters that we shared with two other clubs. Bream to six, seven and 8lbs were reported as being found dead in the bankside undergrowth with, what looked like, evidence of being killed by means of banksticks pushedthrough their flanks.

A step up of bailiffing activity, recording who was bivvied where and when put a pretty rapid stop to this. What hurt wasthat it was obviously a 'proper angler/anglers' that caused of these deaths.

I haven't heard of or witnessed similar since then until today.

My mate has just called me from a pit we've both been fishing for specimentench and bream where he's found a bream of aroundeleven and a halfto 12lbs with similar injuries dumped in the edge of the car park.

This is a secure pit with a locked, gated entrance and no chance of random entry. It seems prettyapparent that an 'angler', a member ortheir guest, has carried this out.

My question is - an angler, that isobviously equipped and has the enthusiasm to haul his gear and set up foran overnighter or weekend on afairly hard water has probably done this.... What's his mentallity?

I'm afraid it's totallylost on me.

I'm not going to divulge the details of the club or the water as it wouldcast a shadow over a great bunch of lads that I've enjoyed meeting and talking to while I've fished overthe last year or so.I wouldn't like their credibilty as decent anglers sullied by one mindless a*rsehole.

trev (100M bronze)

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2005
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who ever did it arnt anglers at all. We should respect anything with fins despite not specifically setting out to catch them. Perhaps a stepping up of bailiffing activity is called for and a few expulsions from the club/syndicate. I might even suggest a public naming and shaming.

Warren 'Hatrick' (Wol) Gaunt

I really am stunned how any bugger can do that, a real sad pathetic individual that shouldn't be angling. Keep ears to the ground, he's probably bragging about it. If he does get caught then let every other club locally know about itand at the same time post his name up on here, if you don't want to then i will! /forum/smilies/angry_smiley.gif


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
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They're not anglers who do that, just moronic glory hunters.

Andy M

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Apr 23, 2007
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Nijmegen, Netherlands
Its the same here I'm afraid, at least on my local lake where there are reported to be a few 30lb Carp, almost as soon as I see carp anglers, dead bream start to appear in the margins. It might just be coincidence of course - exhaused post spawners - but if not, really sad.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2006
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Just got back from the pit -one of the ladsfound another oneofaboutfour or five pounds.

Ifhedoes start bragging Wol there's going to be a queue of lads ready to 'congratulate' him.

stephen webb

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Apr 21, 2008
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I second that comment Slime Monster. I would probably let him know how the bream felt with a bankstick in each knee cap!


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2005
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Lark, you really should consider reporting this to us (Angling Times). If we write about it, keeping the specific fishery quiet, then I suspect these deaths would stop rather abruptly.

If you want to give me a call in confidence I can be reached on 01733 465673. Cheers.

Risque Manoofus

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Nov 27, 2007
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Its very difficult to get inside the minds of mental cripples like these. Sadly theres no shortage of them. It used to be common place to find specimin perch thrown up the bank at Chew.

I stopped boat fishing because if I saw one more doggy smashed against the side of the boat and thrown back I was going to commit murder. So they dont like catching doggies. What was their brain dead cruelty going to acheive?

Prior to having an unexplained fish kill were we lost all thecarp (fish to 32lb) from one of our waters and with them went all the bivvies up until then big slabs were occasionaly found dead thrown in the trees then.

Its just the moronic minority.

Its the way of this country and you can do nothing but rejoice and enjoy yourself if you catch them in the act.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2006
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Greg - I appreciate the offer. It's all in the very capable hands of the commitee and it's officers now.

Ray - There's a queue!

Risque - Like my previous experience of this, it's a shame that certain types of anglers are thrown under suspicion as a result of a (probably)single moron. Like I said before, the regular lads on the pit are agood,solid bunch.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2006
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i met someone like that who wanted all the bream and tench removed from a lake just so he could catch carp if it wasnt for them id blank a hell of alot .

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA)

During the period 1995 to 1998, I spent a lot of time at a well known Oxfordshire complex of gravel pits. In addition to big carp these pits contained very big tench, bream, roach, rudd and pike. I spent most of my time in search of tench and roach.

I came into contact with quite a few carp anglers, some of which were quite well known in carp angling circles. I also fishedon occasionswith Peter Stone and his friend Barry Horwood. The vast majority of the carp anglers were decent guys, a few of them being quite interested in my tench and roach fishing exploits.

But one day Peter told me of some of the negative aspects of a few of the regular carp anglers, how he had heard them talking about "green snots" and "slimies" and how he had seen both tench and bream being drop kicked back into the water!

This was backed up on one occasion when I found several dead bream in the margins. These fish did not appear to have died of natural causes. One of them looked like it had been beaten to death.

On one occasion I was invited by Eric Hodson to spend a session fishing with several members of the British Carp Study Group at a large gravel pit just south of Oxford. Due to work commitments I wasn't able to fish, but I did manage to visit the pit just as several members of the BCSG were leaving.

I couldn't help overhearing some of their conversations. It appeared that the lake had some good tench in it and that most of them had caught tench on that session. I will never forget the languageused to decribe the tench from one very famous carp angler who shall remain nameless.

Since those days I have had a number of bad experiences regarding some carp anglers.

Bob "chubber"Lancaster (ACA)

don't it just make you feel sick , just to listen to some of these comments makes me puke . To think that human beings can treat a fish or animal in this despicable way , then call thereselves anglers.


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
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Let's put things in perspective. So-called 'anglers' like these will behave like that regardless of what species they fish for.

The majority of carp anglers don't behave like that, but it just so happens that carp angling is the most popular branch of coarse fishing andas suchincludes the highest number of morons.

Risque Manoofus

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Nov 27, 2007
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Im glad you said that Graham.

Before the carp kill on our water with known 30lb plus fish in there it was bivvy city and in fairness there was a large elementof carp anglers that thought they owned the place. I bailifed the water at that time and their attitude by and large stunk and I became very anti carp angler.

When the all carp all turned up they dissapeared bitterly blaming everyone else and calling for everyone else to be banned or somehow cudgeled for what they saw as their loss, screamuing for committee resignations and instantaneous remedies as they went. Although there was sadness for seeing these magnificent fish dead on top there was also a shared feeling of euphoria amongst therest of the club and we were glad to see the back of the carp boys. For bream, tench and the rest of the coarse fishing since we have shared some fabulous sport that we never had before. They are no longer stuffed full of tiger nuts, boilies etc etc etc.

Anyway Im wandering off the point.

I ended up through circumstances fishing with a largely carp orientated angler for 2 years at that time and he became a well respected and trusted friendand had forgotten more than I know about fishing for big fish in particular and it was thanks to him that I saw another side and largely changed my opinion from such a general one.

I know that theres loads of decent anglers out there now that fish for carp and would feel precisely the same way as some comments on here reference these fish being killed.

The problem lies I believe in that there are also some chav type scum that have carp rods and hide under the banner of "angler" whatever the style followed.

I think we are just reaping the benefits of years of softly softly sloppy parenting and have brought up too many scum like this with no scruples, boundariesor concerns for anyone or anything. The fact that some of them havenicked (I doubt they ever pay for anything)fishing gear is just to the detriment of all of us.