Whats a big barbel ?

Matthew Black

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2002
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Different angle to 'what's a big barbel'.

Try match angler Steve Ashmore who landed the biggest ever barbel taken in competition on the Warwickshire Avon below the weir at Welford in Stratford-upon-Avon.

At 12lb 7oz it was some fish BUT steve was fishing for barbel at the time and 'geared up' to do so.

Fluke? Not when you look at his track record in match fishing on the river.

Steve has banked a 10lb 12oz specimen from the Manor Farm Leisure stretch and actually won the 2000 John Smith's Individual Championship with the help of a 9lb 8oz fish worth several thousand pounds.

Now that is a trio of big, big barbel, especially as he is a 'lowly match angler' (as would be seen in the eyes of some perverted and twisted soles).

Some of the biggest barbel captured in the past have been recorded by specialist anglers who patrol the matches on reaches of rivers known to hold 'big whiskers' and find out where the anglers have LOST big fish.

It would seem that Steve Ashmore doesn't lose too many ..... I wonder what 'damage' he could do to the river record books if he ever put his mind to it and left the match scene behind him?

Sorry to wander aimlessly but it was just a thought from a simpleton who's biggest barbel weighed a miserable 7lb 8dr ..... I had to have a drop or two from my hip flask I was shaking so much!

Dave Pratt

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Mar 8, 2004
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Nice to hear from you Gary i was talking to Jim France last week and he sugested we should have a trip over your way bream fishing this summer, is the lake still doing a few?

john conway

"Now that is a trio of big, big barbel, especially as he is a 'lowly match angler' (as would be seen in the eyes of some perverted and twisted soles."
Where did you get this one from Matthew, don't remember anyone on this site having a bash at match anglers?
But you are right about the barbel, they are big barbel in anyone's book.

Bryan Baron 2

Well-known member
Nov 6, 2002
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in my view( for what it counts ) a big Barbel is also dependant on the gear being used. A 5Ib fish on a trotting rod and a 10Ib fis on standard Barble tackle will both leave you with a smile.

and lets not forget all Barbel are special

Matthew Black

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2002
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My comments were not intended as snipe at anyone on this site ..... far from it.

However, in 'my travels' and within my occupation, I have come across exactly the type of so-called anglers that sneer at match fishing and unless others practice 'their religion' (just like in real life religions) they are considered both unworthy to hold a rod (pole) and are considered vermin.

Sad though it may be but true nevertheless.

Fortunately, anglers on this site are not of this ilk and respect all forms of our wonderful sport, provided the welfare of the fish comes first in all instances.

The 'lowly match angler' bit was tongue-in-cheek John.

I see I shall have to watch my 'Ps & Qs' in future and consider myself well and truly scolded!

Phil Hackett 2

Without wanting to labour the point, many on this site before they turned to specialist angling have match fished and some still do, as well as fishing for a particular species.
Why, the editor of this site is no mean float angler and not averse to winning a few club matches when the whim takes him.

I myself have in the past fished both matches and specialist fishing at the same time on consecutive days.

No angler should in my opinion be so blinkered as to close his mind to tactics used by another branch of the sport for dogmatism, to do so, inevitable means you miss out on some good fish.

I know that Graham has used match tactics to take double figure bream from one mere he fished with outstanding success. Likewise, both he and I have used slightly stepped up match float tactics on a mere that held double figure tench. I feel sure he’d agree with me that without using those tactics many fish would have been missed out on.

I have a 20 ft bolognaise rod and love fishing with it, when the situation calls for it. I’ve landed carp to just under 20lb on 3lb bottoms. It’s a tool that I’d not be without during the summer when bream and tench fishing.

On one mere I fished two or three years back, I sat all day behind motionless bite indicator rods, whilst a match lad, wader deep in the water, battered the tench on float match tactics next to me. I didn’t need showing twice how to take the tench on that mere, as the following weekend I’m back with the float rod, waders and the same feeding pattern as he was using and caught 4 tench from 6-8lbs. Object achieved and job done and more to the point lesion learnt.


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
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Phil's right, one particular catch of bream was 13 doubles in two hours on float and caster. And my best tench of 11.4 fell to float and caster, along with many other tench over 8lb. It's a sad man who thinks the only way to catch fish is with boilies, bolt rigs and hair rigs.

He's also a sad man if the float man thinks boilies, bolt rigs and hair rigs don't have their place.

There's a best time for everything and the all-round experienced angler always has the option of choosing any method he thinks best on the day, without being blinkered about anything.

Gary Knowles 2

The only barbel worth catching are those over 18lb. Nothing else is worth getting out of bed for.

Now, wheres my clown suit, ringmasters waistcoat and map of Bedford ?

Ron Troversial Clay

18 lbs!! 18lbs!!

A twenty from the Trent is the only thing I am interested in.

And I've found the spot make no mistake.

Mind you if The Ringmaster and Coco fished there they would sink in the mud.

Dave Pratt

New member
Mar 8, 2004
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A twenty from the Trent Ron that would be nice,but a long way off yet.I think a couple more seasons before it does a 16 i think it took three seasons to move from 14 to 15 but the river has more quality fish in it now than it had then.

Ron Troversial Clay

That fish of yours Dave - 15lbs 5oz hasn't got far to go to hit 16.

Maybe this year.

Remember in the 1800s the Trent did produce some massive barbel according to various writers. Trent Otter mentions a fish of over 17 lbs taken near Gainsborough.

I would love to see the barbel record come home to the river where it all started.