How did you get on?

Alan Whitty

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2023
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Last Saturday I fished the small stream, I had already decided to fish one of the unpopular early pegs (which I've caught numerous quality chub out of in the past), decided on peg 1, one of the shallowest pegs on the water, well I opted for one of Korum's Trent trotter style floats, well I only had one decent chub, around 3-8, but lord knows how many chublets I had between 6ozs and a pound, plump short fish, I probably had around more than 30-40lbs, towards the end I had three very dark gudgeon, a very pleasant day with countless bites, only spoiled by some moron parking his car in front of the car park gate, so close in fact that I struggled to lift my tackle and platform/barrow over the gate as I couldn't get at the gate without belting his motor, plonker... a poacher I believe....
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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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Looking at the weekend forecast, I thought I'd better squeeze in a few hours today. The sky was clear mid-morning, but the river was filling up with yesterday's rain. I put my box down on the one metre of bank that wasn't under water - but that didn't last long and I sat most of the time with water up to the top of my wellies. I was glad I'd charged the battery for the heated gilet


I set up the usual small slider and fished maggot a couple of rods out to my right while dripping hemp and tares 4 rods out in front. I'd no idea how or whether it would fish, so I was chuffed to get a decent roach first chuck on maggot


A pair of swans stuck with me throughout. They seemed to have a distraction scam going; one would get in the way of me bringing fish in while the other tried to get its head in my baitwaiter. A wagtail bobbed around picking up freebies. I started to feel like Francis of Assisi when this cat stepped over my landing net and stooped down for a drink


Pike attacks dispersed the maggot swim fish - I was bitted off twice - but not before I'd caught a couple of nice perch from it


And although I had stretches when I couldn't connect with bites on tares, with the roach moving up and down in the 12' deep swim, the ones I did hook added up to a decent net for a change.


Ok. Bring on the "Rain and gusty winds". I can wait til next week now.

ian g

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Jul 21, 2011
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North Shropshire
I had a similar experience on the Wye at Hereford yesterday with the river rising and the platform disappearing under water . Though it looks like you had a better day fishing wise Kev as we struggled to get through the thousands of bleak to get to the better fish . Plans for today were ditched as the Wye came up 2 metres plus overnight and the river was just about in it's banks when we looked this morning and still rising rapidly.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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I had a similar experience on the Wye at Hereford yesterday with the river rising and the platform disappearing under water . Though it looks like you had a better day fishing wise Kev as we struggled to get through the thousands of bleak to get to the better fish . Plans for today were ditched as the Wye came up 2 metres plus overnight and the river was just about in it's banks when we looked this morning and still rising rapidly.

It's a monster of a river, Ian, and can be so disappointing when it comes up. I saw your post yesterday, and thought you'd be on here with some big perch today.... I've been flooded off the river at Hay, at Hereford and at Ross. Blokes who live near enough to catch it when it's right are so lucky. Hope you can get on somewhere.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2022
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Charente, France
Another day on the Charente. I wanted to fish a swim that normally does well in spring, not so good in summer and have never fished it in winter. I got there around 11am with a pint of mixed gozzers and three bags of groundbait out of the freezer. I'd intended giving it 45 minutes and if no bites came, move on. Fishing double or treble maggot and a 3 oz groundbait feeder on the Suveran I missed a bite after 20 minutes or so then landed 2 bream in successive casts so I decided to stay.



I hooked a mystery fish that didn't run, wanted to stay put and then the hook pulled out. Then I got a common carp and a carassin that both took line and fought dirty under the rod end. 2 more bream, a chub, a bleak, another 2 bream and I lost the mystery fish again.




Last knockings around 4:30 the last of the groundbait went into the feeder and I had one more last cast. Almost immediately I hooked the mystery fish again. This time I eased off the drag and took more care. Glad that I did.

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ian g

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
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North Shropshire
Back home now Kev , didn't get any fishing done . Our second trip down to Hereford , we went this time last year and had three fantastic days fishing . This time not so good but we still enjoyed ourselves . The fishing can be fantastic there if you can avoid the bleak . I think we will be back before the season ends . It's a bit annoying as it isn't that far from me but the journey is a really pain , A49 you overtake a lorry then get stuck behind a tractor and Herford traffic is even worse.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2021
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Out twice in the last five days. First was a mis-timed visit to the Soar, where I've renewed an old card thinking the mix of natural and canalised sections might be handy if another wet winter knocks the rivers out for weeks on end. I glanced at the levels and noted that it had dropped a metre in three days and thought it should be ok'ish, then. Wrong - the canal was full to the brim and covered in noxious-looking foam and debris, and the main river a filthy colour and racing through.

View attachment 32420

I had only one rod, thinking to fish across for chub on bread or perch on worm, but down the side was the only option. I spent an hour watching the tip shake as little fish whittled expensive lobworms down to a stub, and then wrapped up and parked myself behind a bloke fishing the canal section upstream, a local match hot-shot who'd made the same mistake, and the information he gave me about the river, and the good chat, meant it wasn't a complete waste of time.

Today, I thought I'm giving up on coarse fish and drove off into Derbyshire to fish for grayling and trout on the Derwent. Even at 9.30 am I had to scrape ice off the car, but the day got milder as it went on. There was plenty of water in this river, too, and the usually stately deep section had some pace. It's a lovely river to fish, if you can stop wondering where all the coarse fish went, and good to catch something after Saturday's outing. Fishing a 4g balsa slider down the middle in 12' of water, I caught some nice grayling.

View attachment 32421

That wouldn't get a second glance on your chalk stream, but up here it's a nice fish. And a few nice trout turned up when I swapped maggot on the hook for worm 2' off the bottom

View attachment 32422

It was all going well until a big mother of a trout, hooked 30 yds down, thought it was a chub and tunnelled its way into the branches trailing into the water below me. The fish slipped the hook, but I was snagged above the hooklength and when I had to pull for a break my precious 30 year old Ultra balsa slider came adrift and floated off towards Derby, a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone. I followed it downstream for 100 yds, but it was always getting further from the bank... Never mind, I'll just have to make a copy.

I started again with chopped worm in a maggot feeder and lobworm on the hook, and discovered that's a much easier way to catch trout, but I'll still set up the float next time. Meanwhile, flocks of tits flitted through the far bank trees, a dabchick, looking small and lonely, fished the peg below, and an otter swam by in a leisurely manner. I drove home by the scenic route through the same heavy mist I drove out through. All this, and beef stew and beer in the fridge and football on tv. It's a hard life.
that grayling and trout are belters kev. ;)


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2021
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not a great session for me last week.went to raker lakes nr york with my mate and fished the highbank lake.ended up with around 20 fish in total (roach perch skimmers and gudgeon ) all on the pole with maggots and all tiddlers.2 takes on the leger rod with robin red luncheon meat.hit one of them but lost it.fished from 9.00am till 2.30pm and was only 5C but felt colder.was nice to get out and was pleasantly surprised how many cars were in the car park to say it was november and nippy.

Alan Whitty

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2023
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I'm afraid Saturday is my main fishing day, I'd been for maggot today (yes I knew Darrah was coming), but having watched 3 forecasts this evening I've decided discretion is the best part of valour, so bottled out, I will be peeved if they have forecast ott...


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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Back home now Kev , didn't get any fishing done . Our second trip down to Hereford , we went this time last year and had three fantastic days fishing . This time not so good but we still enjoyed ourselves . The fishing can be fantastic there if you can avoid the bleak . I think we will be back before the season ends . It's a bit annoying as it isn't that far from me but the journey is a really pain , A49 you overtake a lorry then get stuck behind a tractor and Herford traffic is even worse.

Isn't it just? When I lived in Chester we'd go to Hereford, Wrexham, Oswestry, Shrewsbury then A49. Going was ok, but coming home .....

Alan Whitty

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2023
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Been today, late leaving because of having to be about when my autistic son John is getting ready and leaving for his day centre, it took an hour and fifteen minutes to drive what would normally take twenty minutes, fished all day on the slider and caught 3 roach, 2 perch and 2 rudd to 10ozs, it was pleasant enough, especially as Hugh and his friend Liam were pike fishing just along the bank from me, then the journey home, this took even longer with traffic causing large detours, I think I left around 4pm, got home at 5.50pm very irritable....
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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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Been today, late leaving because of having to be about when my autistic son John is getting ready and leaving for his day centre, it took an hour and fifteen minutes to do what would normally take twenty minutes, fished all day on the slider and caught 3 roach, 2 perch and 2 rudd to 10ozs, it was pleasant enough, especially as Hugh and his friend Liam were pike fishing just along the bank from me, then the journey home, this took even longer with traffic causing large detours, I think I left around 4pm, got home at 5.50pm very irritable....

Frustrating weather. Doubt I'd have caught that today. Got up in the dark ,but the wind had switched to the east and the levels showed 5' extra on the river. A quick sniff outside sent me back to bed.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2022
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Charente, France
I'm in a similar predicament. Zero overnight and single figures max with a northerly wind all week. I have groundbait made, casters soaking and maggots in the freezer, but the spirit isn't willing.


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2004
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Broke the tip on my Daiwa connoisseur z stick float rod. Gutted. Really looked after this rod for a long time. Not even sure how I managed it which makes it hurt more. On a plus note my old Abu is running nice after my service. Lots of small roach but nothing else.

Well chuffed now :)
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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2022
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Charente, France
Just had to go today. Weather and commitments dictated the day. It was -2C when I set off and never got above 7C, but the sun was out and blue sky prevailed. Still a bit nippy though in the shade where I was all afternoon.


I only took two rods, one being a telescopic pike rod to be used with a bait dropper, the other an Allcocks Wizard three-piece cane rod. Bait was maggots, casters and chopped worms from the freezer along with fresh worms and groundbait.


I fished just upstream of where I was last week, but started off with a 6g float initially laid on hoping for roach of the size that I caught last trip. That didn't work out so I tried trotting and stret-pegging with equal failures. In the afternoon I swapped to a 50g feeder and had two bites, one landed and one hook-pull.


I attracted a bit of attention from a herd of geese that got the impression that my groundbait was for them. And a robin came by hoping for a meal. In the end it got so stuffed with maggots and worms that it had to go for a lie down in the sunshine.


Alan Whitty

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2023
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Been again today, on one of my old stamping grounds, the Ivel, journey there and back was good, phew, fished maggot on an Avon float, on the 'pin', had three chub all around 2-8, two dace, two little roach and a pesky minnow, though it was cold and the fishing was hard, I enjoyed my first day on the centrepin in quite a long time, my 'Wallis' casting wasn't too bad after that lapse (if you can call it that)....


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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Where to go? Realised I hadn't been to the Old Lake since Covid and a quick call to the bailiff gave me the good news - it got very busy with carpers in warmer weather - that hardly anyone was fishing these days. It's a lovely place to fish, but today the water was very cold, high and coloured. I had the lake to myself.


10.30 to 12.30, not a bite nor a sign of life. If you turn off the heating, open the windows, stare fixedly at this picture for two hours and catapult a few maggots and grains of hemp every few minutes, you'd pretty well have the experience without buying the day ticket.

At 12.30 the bailiff came round and offered me a tub of mixed white crumb groundbait. I was a bit dubious about it, nice gesture though it was, since it seemed right to feed minimally, but before I could speak he'd lobbed a ball towards my float. Ok. It could hardly make anything worse. Ten minutes later the float dipped. After roach, then ducks, the next most prolific species in here is carp, and I was attached to a fair-sized one. I assumed it would just motor off, bottom my no 4 elastic and smash my .08 hooklength. Maybe because the water was so cold, it never got up a big head of steam and after 5 mins and a few tours of the area, I was about to net it when the hook pulled. Oh ffs! I said, not quietly. Smyekatz is the Russian verb to laugh, and all the ducks replied smyek smyek smyek.

Between 1 and 2 pm the lake woke up a bit, but I could only catch little perch and little roach. I gave up, and the laughing ducks got my bait but it was nice to see the place is still there and looking good, and to dust off the pole gear I haven't used for months.

ian g

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
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North Shropshire
Thanks for sharing Kev . I normally fish on a Friday but have been laid low for a few days with a head cold so I haven't bothered today . I enjoy my winter fishing , looks a great place to have to yourself . I used to fish almost exclusively on the pole but haven't done so much over the last few years need to give it another try.