It has been a mixed bag since the start of the year. I have had some success on the Cambridgeshire lake which John Wilson visited years ago when making his Go Fishing program. Acting on a tip from a fellow member that the prey fish were wintered on the far side of the lake I managed to catch several double figure pike up to 12lb 8oz. Although modest in the scheme of things the fish were in great condition which several big catfish removed things are looking promising for the future. I few weeks later I managed by best pike of the winter at 15lb 4oz. It came on my exposed syndicate water on a very windy day when it was difficult to keep the rods on the rests. In the last few weeks I have been fishing the well known weir on the River Lea although I have blanked I gave enjoyed the challenge and learning more about the water and looking forward in fishing it again in the new season