Well-known member
had a day on the lakes near to where we live. Wilf is back from Portugal and champing at the bit to go fishing, but I was committed to being on call for a couple of friends who have car issues and might need a hand. So, I went local on my own so that I could be free to assist if required. As it turned out I wasn't required.
I started at a 25 hectare section of Lac Mas Chaban fishing two rods, one a Greys 12 foot float rod, Mitchell Match with home made waggler and maggot, worm and sweetcorn baits. The second rod was a Greys 1.75lb with a Lidl 300 size reel, one of the zander floats I made last week and the back half of a sardine mounted on a circle hook to wire trace. Today is the last day of the zander season on these lakes. It was very windy and cool too. I fished for two hours without a bite until just after 11am the zander float dipped and slid away. I tightened up and felt solid resistance. Unfortunately it wasn't the zander that I was hoping would grace our dining table tomorrow, but an out of season jack that knew no better.
I moved to the other side of the lake and fished a feeder for an hour without any interest.
I then drove about 15 minutes to the other big lake, Lac Lavaud, right round it to the other side and settled down about fifty metres from three French zander hunters who were fishless and a pole angler who had caught a few zander baits. I started with the waggler, cast as far as possible into 10 foot of water and with maggots scattered every cast. Second cast resulted in a nice roach and I ended up with between fifty and sixty. By the third hour I had managed to get them feeding two rod lengths out in 7 foot instead of the 20 odd metres into 10 foot intially required. Virtually all took on the bottom after the float had settled. Plenty of time to cast, catapult and strike. It was only in the last 15 to 20 minutes that they started to take on the drop. Single maggot to a 20 and 2.5lb hook link did the trick.
By 3pm I had discarded the coat and jumper and was fishing in shirt sleeves. What a difference it was when the wind dropped!
I started at a 25 hectare section of Lac Mas Chaban fishing two rods, one a Greys 12 foot float rod, Mitchell Match with home made waggler and maggot, worm and sweetcorn baits. The second rod was a Greys 1.75lb with a Lidl 300 size reel, one of the zander floats I made last week and the back half of a sardine mounted on a circle hook to wire trace. Today is the last day of the zander season on these lakes. It was very windy and cool too. I fished for two hours without a bite until just after 11am the zander float dipped and slid away. I tightened up and felt solid resistance. Unfortunately it wasn't the zander that I was hoping would grace our dining table tomorrow, but an out of season jack that knew no better.
I moved to the other side of the lake and fished a feeder for an hour without any interest.
I then drove about 15 minutes to the other big lake, Lac Lavaud, right round it to the other side and settled down about fifty metres from three French zander hunters who were fishless and a pole angler who had caught a few zander baits. I started with the waggler, cast as far as possible into 10 foot of water and with maggots scattered every cast. Second cast resulted in a nice roach and I ended up with between fifty and sixty. By the third hour I had managed to get them feeding two rod lengths out in 7 foot instead of the 20 odd metres into 10 foot intially required. Virtually all took on the bottom after the float had settled. Plenty of time to cast, catapult and strike. It was only in the last 15 to 20 minutes that they started to take on the drop. Single maggot to a 20 and 2.5lb hook link did the trick.
By 3pm I had discarded the coat and jumper and was fishing in shirt sleeves. What a difference it was when the wind dropped!
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