Well… When will fishing ever cease to amaze you eh?
I’ve had a difficult day on the river today to say the least after arriving for a roving session shortly after 6am this morning with a mate and then walking the best part of three miles, trying endless rig combinations for barely a tap and then watching my mate bank a nice barbel of around 7lbs towards late afternoon... As genuinely pleased for him as I was I was really beginning to feel a little despondent in myself.
Folks were certainly finding it hard going judging by the occasional angler we spoke to with some finding two or three fish and I decided that for the last couple of hours I would change to a large (100grm) free running method feeder with a long hooklink and sit it out in a fast current just off of some bankside cover.
For the first hour I had nothing but then began to get the occasional pluck and tap and just as I was beginning to think it wasn’t going to happen around went the tip in true fashion and a nice barbel of around 8lbs was soon in the net… Brilliant!
We’d agreed to fish until 5.30pm and with forty five minutes remaining I was undecided about whether or not to put back in as things had been so slow but out went the gear once more on what was to be the final cast of the day and after twenty minutes or so the tip belted around once again but this time the fish felt far heavier and much more dogged, it didn’t embark on the numerous characteristic runs of the earlier, smaller sized fish and instead hung stubbornly in the main flow.
Eventually I managed to get some line on the fish and after a deep, dogged fight under the rod tip my mate did the honours by slipping the net under a fin, scale and mouth perfect fish of 13lbs…
I think the most prominent aspect of the day was how much more enjoyable a special experience like that is for the benefit of having someone there to share it with and given the many things we've experienced and shared in our bankside exploits it was certainly another memorable chapter in a long running book.
What a fantastic end to a day, I’ll drink to that! :w