How did you get on?


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2015
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Well done Jimmy, amazing pair, well done.

I'm struggling to get out, as other things getting in the way. But next week I'm free for several days. Big roach, and chub the targets.


Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Sometimes when you don't expect much the day becomes a bit special.

Had about 2 pts maggots left from the grayling trip and even though the Wye doesn't generally respond to maggots decided to use them up on the town stretch.

Bank very slippery so balance was important when casting and trotting a 3AA Avon and size 18 to nylon.

Half pint mixed maggots in first go and suprised by the float burying 30 yards down the swim. Dogged fight brought a chunky 4lb chub to the net. Top conditioned fish as were the 7 more over the next 3 hours. Between 3 and 4+lb. Not a single dace or roach??? But great sport as some were hooked at max distance.

Then a real bonus that I packed up on first grayling from the stretch in many years around the 3/4lb mark.

Didn't expect much so it made it so much better.

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Bit warmer this morning so I fished the GUC on a canalised Colne pound for which my club has just acquired the fishing rights. Enough flow to use a stick float so I trotted maggot and worm for 3 hours without a single bite....
Upstream another angler fished the pole all morning but failed to get a bite also...



I really can’t work out my local river at the moment, or at least I can in the respect that the fish are so tightly packed that you’re either on ‘em or not with little if anything in between but as The Runner eluded to a couple of weeks or so ago, they just aren’t where you would expect them to be and I’m just not sussing it out very well at the moment.

The day was far from a loss though, even if it was for a very bizarre twist that saved it.

Well before dawn I was trudging through the dark and thick fog with a mate on a long walk to a stretch of river which I’m reasonably unfamiliar with but where we both agreed we might find a few fish.

Given that it was the best part of a mile walk this was not funny, but the fact that my mate had lost an arm off his chair and had backtracked all the way back to the car and all the way back again to the swim in the darkness, before finding said arm right beside his chair as daylight lifted, relieved much of the effort of getting there in the first place… For me at least :D

To cut a long story short he fished two rods, one on the feeder and one with a straight lead and big bait, and I fished the stick with maggot and by midday neither of us had had so much as a knock.

This brought back visions of my session a week or so earlier where I fished an all day session on the river with maggot and without a single bite, I was also starting to get fed up with skidding around in mud every time I got out of the water and so I decided to reel in and go for a walk to see what was around.

I followed a course through the woods which had been scoured out by high water and numerous rafts of debris which had collected against the trees and I eventually came across a small pool, completely isolated from the river.

It looked deep, due in part to a nice tinge of colour and was around fifty feet long by maybe thirty feet or so wide and it looked inviting!

You don’t need me to explain any further, we’ve all been there I’m sure.

I hurried back, grabbed the rod and re-rigged the smallest stick I had to use as a dibber and returned to the newly christened ‘secret lagoon’ along with my maggots and the landing net and I now had the opportunity to plumb up properly but I only found a very level three feet throughout.

Nevertheless I baited up and flicked out along the line of the overhanging trees to my right, but nothing happened.

I flicked in half a dozen reds and put in again but still nothing happened and this was a repeat process for the next few casts until I lay the rod down and waited.

Practically catching me by surprise the float then blipped before darting under and holding, the orange tip still visible below the surface, and I struck into what turned out to be a small roach.

Brilliant, a whacky hunch which paid off!

Ninety minutes later and I had taken 31 chublets to around 4ozs, eight small roach, five small perch and two dace (or something like that!) and I had enjoyed myself…

Eventually I returned to my mate who had still not enjoyed so much as a rattle and I ran the float through the original swim for the final hour or so, still without a sniff, before calling it a day as the light began to fade and the fresh dew on the ground made for even more treacherous conditions.


Well, kind of… :w


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Good read Steve, i'd have to keep at that pool and see what might be lurking in it!

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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as the light began to fade and the fresh dew on the ground made for even more treacherous conditions.

Welcome back. New laptop?

I have been on my backside in the mud quite a few times this winter. Either the mud is getting more slippery or I am getting less agile:eek:

So... I bought a pair of crampons on fleebay. They are pretty basic, just securing with a velcro strap. They work OK. No good for walking far in but ideal to fix on at the waterside to stop me going ar$e over apexs just as I reach out with the landing net AS HAS HAPPENED.


Good read Steve, i'd have to keep at that pool and see what might be lurking in it!

One of the Dace had Pike marks on it Ian, it did make me wonder if it was before it got isolated or whether it happened in the pool?

I was fully expecting one of the fish to get knobbled on the way in, it just looked like that sort of place :)

Welcome back. New laptop?

Thanks John, no not a new laptop... The cheaper option.

Ear defenders! :D

Now that's a selfie that really should be on here John :) :)



Well-known member
Jan 3, 2017
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on river avon today for 1st time came away with 4 roach in end and a chublet all on feeder , was all on breadcrumb in feeder and flake or crust on hook on my side of crease lower of a weir no other swims came up with anything with chop worm or maggots in feeder .


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
Had a nice day at a trout fishery any method day in Lincolnshire today, not as many fish for me personaly as Ive had on previous visits but the quality was superb. Plenty of bot rainbows and brown trout on pellet, worm and bread.
The fish were all between two and a half lbs up to four and a half (a brownie).

Float and bomb with a long hooklink did the trick .
Lots of thick fog that lasted most of the day made driving a hard job but it was worth it, especially for the angler nearby who had them queing up to be caught.
Top marks also to the chap on the other side of me who was content with less fish but dropshotted lobworm all day and took more browntrout than myself and the other chap.
A great day with some super fish, my biggest brown coming to lobworm on the very last cast-- phew !


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2012
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Couple of hours today on the river ,12 grayling best one about 1lb all on the waggler, bait caster.

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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I had a break from the toothies today as I don't normally fish weekends and wanted to be somewhere free of others.
Went to a local res. which is deep.
Had 5 bites on the Sigma wand/bomb/feeder/red worm and 4 fish.

2 roach a rudd and a perch.
All chunky netters nearing a pound. Strange how the tiddlers disappear in the cold there.

My boy scout training came in handy as I forgot my coat and a catapult. Luckily my spares kept in the car saved the day.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Spent the day on the Mease again today

Had a collection of nice perch and roach but what was ALMOST the highlight of the day was a nice Barble around 14 inches long one slight problem thou justa about to net it and one last flick of the tail turned the hook into a straight pin and see the Barble knaffing off into the depths PDQ Grrrrr That was a Korum Xpert Specimen size 16 which to me looks a decent chuncky hook think I'll use a 6 inch nail next time .

No more fishing for me it would seem for a coup[le of weeks now with weddings and freezing weather to come it aint looking good .

PG ...


That was a Korum Xpert Specimen size 16 which to me looks a decent chuncky hook


I suspect a dodgy hook there, maybe worth examining the rest of the pack.

I switched to the same hooks, from Korda, as a cheaper alternative and haven't had any problems at all with fish well into double figures although I've not bought any recently.