thames mudlarker
Well-known member
And so it goes on.....The Comedy of Errors that is my annus ( or ****) horribilis.
Bury Hill for a zander today. I should have smelt a rat when I flew round the M25 without the slightest hint of a jam. Quelle Horreur ! It's Wednesday you Muppet and the pole gnomes are out in force again. Howl , howl and howl again. So... its the trans Himalayan trek for you again Skippy my boy. Arrived at chosen spot which is just about as far from where I wanted to be as is possible.
Howl ! I thought that chair looked a bit odd. It's the little river chair not the zander recliner. Once set up the rod butts are roughly level with my hat ! No fun sitting with your knees round your earholes. Right..... time for a cuppa.
Howl and double howl ! Forgot the milk !mg:
Come on....It's warm, cloudy and there's a blow on. It's got to fish.
At 4-15 I had a beep beep 2 inch lift and that was the only indication I had . I didn't even bother waiting for the 10 to 8 mugfish as by then I think I had more chance of catching a newt than a zander.
That's 4 trips for 1 fish......Phil's average is slightly better at 3 trips for 1 fish.
Should have gone crucian fishing !
Oh... and naturally it rained and equally naturally I didn't take an umbrella or coat .
I think you should of gone Crucian fishing aswell to be honest but hey ho nothermind Skip, always another day.
Last time I fish bury hill blimey must of been somewhere in the region of 28 years ago when I lived back in Croydon
Done 9 zander sessions there, yea I caught alright, all blimmin pike and 2 zander
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